Deck List

deck-list-626 Deck
2 Cruel Firebloom
3 Lesser Ward
2 Brutal Ashlander
2 Firebolt
2 Shadow Shift
1 Ungolim the Listener
3 Crystal Tower Crafter
2 Fighters Guild Recruit
2 Goblin Skulk
2 Ravenous Crocodile
3 Crushing Blow
2 Daggerfall Mage
3 Slaughterfish Spawning
3 Telvanni Arcanist
2 Breton Conjurer
2 Fire Storm
3 Lightning Bolt
3 Cliff Racer
2 Leaflurker
3 Lillandril Hexmage
1 Ice Storm
1 Supreme Atromancer
1 Tazkad the Packmaster

Action Assassin (Deck 2)

2 [card]Cruel Firebloom[/card]
3 [card]Lesser Ward[/card]
2 [card]Brutal Ashlander[/card]
2 [card]Firebolt[/card]
2 [card]Shadow Shift[/card]
1 [card]Ungolim the Listener[/card]
3 [card]Crystal Tower Crafter[/card]
2 [card]Fighters Guild Recruit[/card]
2 [card]Goblin Skulk[/card]
2 [card]Ravenous Crocodile[/card]
3 [card]Crushing Blow[/card]
2 [card]Daggerfall Mage[/card]
3 [card]Slaughterfish Spawning[/card]
3 [card]Telvanni Arcanist[/card]
2 [card]Breton Conjurer[/card]
2 [card]Fire Storm[/card]
3 [card]Lightning Bolt[/card]
3 [card]Cliff Racer[/card]
2 [card]Leaflurker[/card]
3 [card]Lillandril Hexmage[/card]
1 [card]Ice Storm[/card]
1 [card]Supreme Atromancer[/card]
1 [card]Tazkad the Packmaster[/card]
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Assassin deck
50 cards
0 Cruel Firebloom 2

Cruel Firebloom

0 Lesser Ward 3

Lesser Ward

1 Brutal Ashlander 2

Brutal Ashlander

1 Firebolt 2


1 Shadow Shift 2

Shadow Shift

1 Ungolim the Listener 1

Ungolim the Listener

2 Crystal Tower Crafter 3

Crystal Tower Crafter

2 Fighters Guild Recruit 2

Fighters Guild Recruit

2 Goblin Skulk 2

Goblin Skulk

2 Ravenous Crocodile 2

Ravenous Crocodile

3 Crushing Blow 3

Crushing Blow

3 Daggerfall Mage 2

Daggerfall Mage

3 Slaughterfish Spawning 3

Slaughterfish Spawning

3 Telvanni Arcanist 3

Telvanni Arcanist

4 Breton Conjurer 2

Breton Conjurer

4 Fire Storm 2

Fire Storm

4 Lightning Bolt 3

Lightning Bolt

5 Cliff Racer 3

Cliff Racer

5 Leaflurker 2


5 Lillandril Hexmage 3

Lillandril Hexmage

6 Ice Storm 1

Ice Storm

9 Supreme Atromancer 1

Supreme Atromancer

9 Tazkad the Packmaster 1

Tazkad the Packmaster

5 7 9 11 7 8 1 2

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By: White Bear 84
View other Decks by White Bear 84
Posted: 4 days ago
Updated: 3 days ago
Up to date (NahkriinNerf patch)
Crafting Cost: 10750crystal
Missing Soul Gems: Add your collection to see the soul gems you are missing.


Second season playing TES Legends..

This deck has been built off my first Assassin action deck, something that developed a bit over time as I moved up from rank 9 to 7 in the October season, then from 7 to 4 this season.

This iteration of the deck has at time of posting achieved an 11-2 winstreak going from rank 5 serpent into rank 4. I think it has the potential to go the full way, having beaten a few rank 1 players in the process already and I will be attempting to use it to reach rank 1 next season & hopefully legendary!!

Basically the goal is to make as efficient use of removal and minions as possible to keep board clear and keep a steady attack on the opponent, setting up for a 1/2 round finish.

– Ungolim is always a good start
– Skulk is useful for gaining 0 costs actions early, can be a good proc for early removal to make things safer for slaughterfish spawning
– Slaughterfish spawning played early can have a great snowball effect particularly if played in conjuction with CTC

Deck Strats:
1. Snowball CTC and/or slaughterfish runs to build and keep pressure on opponent, keeping board clear where possible
2. Setup for Hexmage and supreme/taz finish if possible. Slaughterfish spawning with both hex and supreme on table will deal a good 6 damage to opponent, that is followign the 4 from drawing supreme.
3. Alternative strat involves getting opponents health down enough to combo cliff racers and/or lighting bolts to finish off.

Some deck quirks:
– Deliberately proc telvanni in a 1v1 trade to get the extra action when it is needed
– Use the skulks to get as many of the 0 cost cards as possible, otherwise if you have cycled through them or have a few, don’t worry and use him for removal.
– Proc the daggerfal to get tome of alteration for its card draw
– Combo breton and/or daggerfall with ice storm or firestorm to active their effects while clearing the board of enemy creatures
– In some cases ok to damage crystal tower crafter using board removals if the extra point is worth the damage.
– Use Ravenous croc on breton/daggerfall to proc effect otherwise using on itself is fine..
– If you draw slaughterfish late, they can be combo’d effectively after playing supreme atromancer (2+ minions = 4+ damage, potentially 12 if you played all three in the following round, as unlikely as it is..)

More details to come, please comment below :)


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