Table of Contents
Aggro/Prophecy Battlemage
3 Sharpshooter Scout
3 Afflicted Alit
3 Dark Rift
3 Graystone Ravager
3 Shrieking Harpy
3 Wardcrafter
3 Cast Out
3 Gladiator Arena
3 Morkul Gatekeeper
3 Slaughterfish Spawning
3 Earthbone Spinner
3 Lightning Bolt
3 Sentinel Battlemace
3 Grahtwood Ambusher
3 Fate Weaver
2 Triumphant Jarl
Aggro/Prophecy Battlemage
3 [card]Sharpshooter Scout[/card]
3 [card]Afflicted Alit[/card]
3 [card]Dark Rift[/card]
3 [card]Graystone Ravager[/card]
3 [card]Shrieking Harpy[/card]
3 [card]Wardcrafter[/card]
3 [card]Cast Out[/card]
3 [card]Gladiator Arena[/card]
3 [card]Morkul Gatekeeper[/card]
3 [card]Slaughterfish Spawning[/card]
3 [card]Earthbone Spinner[/card]
3 [card]Lightning Bolt[/card]
3 [card]Sentinel Battlemace[/card]
3 [card]Grahtwood Ambusher[/card]
3 [card]Fate Weaver[/card]
2 [card]Triumphant Jarl[/card]
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0 | 6 | 15 | 12 | 9 | 3 | 5 | 0 |
Prophecy | 24 |
Ward | 6 |
Guard | 3 |
Regenerate | 0 |
Pilfer | 0 |
Last Gasp | 0 |
Charge | 0 |
Drain | 0 |
Breakthrough | 0 |
Lethal | 0 |
Card Selection & General Strategy
Relentless Raider: Demands removal or produces pretty insane value for a one-drop. Key to a lot of early victories for me. Early game, don’t hold this in hand and hope to activate it’s special ability; drop it and make your opponent play their early game removal on this instead of a Ravager or Slaughterfish. Late game, this is cheap reach of sorts allowing for some surprise damage from hand.
Sharpshooter Scout: Key removal against the mirror and common chump guards like Tree Minder and Murkwater Witch. Also useful for popping your own runes and enabling beneficial trades. The teensy bit of reach has won me a game or three.
Afflicted Alit: Decent damage if it sticks, often key reach late game and an engine for breaking your own runes for free cards.
Dark Rift: Difficult for many decks to deal with, brutal if dropped turn one with the ring. Respectable face damage and a bit of reach late game. If it’s allowed to turn into a Storm Atronach, you probably win.
Graystone Ravager: Really scary body if it survives, feels great to pop it into an empty lane via prophecy. Key to a lot of early victories for me as it’ll often either tease out removal to allow Slaughterfish to snowball or push a quick 4-8 damage by itself.
Shrieking Harpy: Fantastic Prophecy that can either allow you to “ignore” a threat for a turn, protect a Ravager/Slaughterfish from a chump attacker or trade beneficially into commonly played Pilfers. A near must-keep in your opening hand against Monks or the mirror.
Wardcrafter: Allows you to keep your fragile but hard-hitting creatures alive. Also makes trading into Guards only cost you tempo instead of tempo and board position. Often worth waiting until turn five to play Slaughterfish and this in the same turn, especially against Intelligence.
Cast Out: Can be a huge tempo swing early game, great for getting pesky Guards out of the way. I often choose not to play this off a Prophecy if I expect a bigger threat from my opponent than is currently on the board.
Gladiator Arena: Played at the appropriate time (read: ~8 or more life ahead) can help to seal a victory. Don’t be afraid to play this earlier against Control as the self-damage is basically beneficial to you in that match-up.
Morkul Gatekeeper: Such an awesome card for this deck! Likely 2 extra damage to face plus a body to protect your fragile attackers. Often allows for beneficial trades and a Prophecy to boot. I love this guy.
Slaughterfish Spawning: Your opponent answers this or they die, plain and simple. Always keep this in your opening hand and prioritize putting resources into defending your Slaughterfish so they can snowball.
Earthbone Spinner: Guard removal plus a 3/2 body. What’s not to love? Great against the mirror.
Lightning Bolt: Use this to remove creatures that hit harder than you can comfortably handle or to protect your hard-hitters/enable pushing face. Don’t go face with this early (even from a Prophecy) as the card you’re likely to give your opponent is likely to be more valuable to them than the 4 damage is to you.
Sentinel Battlemace: Turn three Slaughterfish followed by turn four Battlemace can outright win you the game. Allows for removing guards (many Hive Defenders have died to a Battlemaced Harpy) while also developing your board (that 6/2 Harpy is still there deck in action!
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I’ll definitely keep the Crown Quartermasters in mind for one of the lower-cost substitution ideas.
1. What’s so good about Relentless Raider that makes it a legendary? Sure, It can pull out damage faster than Crown Quartermaster (item costs 1 mana, so 2/1 creature and item costs total 2 mana), but is Crown Quartermaster really that bad compared to Raider? Besides breaking rune only deals one damage, but quarter master item can buff creature, allowing for favorable trading (if ur not going face). So how much of a downgrade is subbing in quartermaster?
2. In general, if i have a bunch of weak creatures which one do I buff with morkul gatekeeper? it only increases power, not health, so its a bit harder to decide, since for buffs that increase health u just pick the one that u want to survive.
3. Also other than turn 5 2/1 give ward and 3mana slaughterfish, and turn 3 curve slaughterfish, anything else i should know about slaughterfish?
4. playing earthbone spinner for the 3/2 body (without using the silence effectively) is pretty bad, but if i dont have much on the board do I still drop it?
5. Same thing for sharpshooter scout, when do I drop it just for the 1/1? Also I didn’t know u could pop ur own rune with it, thx for that tip.
A few general questions:
6. How do you know what creature to drop in which lane? Like if im going first, which lane do i summon stuff? If I’m going second (assuming opponent doesnt play anything turn one)? How do I take advantage of the cover mechanic of the right lane most effectively? I come from hearthstone, so the thing with lanes is bugging me out because I don’t know if I’m strategically doing the right thing. I have NO CLUE which lane to drop whatever creature whenever.
7. Another thing not in hearthstone is runes. When is it correct to hold back on attacking face to play around prophecy? To what extent to I play around prophecy?
8. I’m not familiar with meta. The different kinds of decks people play. Anything important regarding any meta decks I should know? Like cards to play around, what to prioritize. Because obviously I have to play differently against different decks.
9. General strategy of the deck: How often do you trade? At what point do you just start ignoring ur opponent’s threats and removal and start smashing face?
Also thanks for the youtube video, helps out a lot to see how you play it.
1) In my opinion, Raider is a Legendary because it’s a 1-magicka card that isn’t a dead-draw late game. It can easily give you the 1-2 extra face damage you need to push for lethal from your hand. In contrast, while the Quartermaster is a great replacement overall, it really starts to lose its shine if you draw it late game. It’s only giving you 1 extra damage in the best case scenario, and that’s only if you have an unblocked creature to swing with *and* the one magicka to spare to equip the dagger. Raider’s damage might not help you trade favorably, but it’s free bonus damage and you’re rarely if ever trading for your opponent’s stuff with this deck. I’ll explain in #9.
2) IMO, you want to allocate bonus damage in this priority:
I – Enabling a beneficial trade
II – To the thing most likely to survive (a 2 toughness creature instead of a 1, etc.)
III – To the thing with the lowest power to spread out your threats
3) Slaughterfish are just amazing if they snowball, so you generally want to spend your resources keeping them alive if at all possible. Play something into the field lane as a sort of bodyguard and to push your opponent into the shadow lane (since that fish still has to be answered by a guard or removal since it has cover.)
4) In general, no. If you don’t already have board presence and your only viable play on turn 4 is a Spinner, you’re in pretty bad shape. You want to hold your Spinners to remove Guards for pushing face or Pilfers/Drains that will cost you the game if left unchecked. That 3/2 body is really only worth it if you’re also holding a Battlemace and your opponent will have trouble with a 7/2 ward.
5) When it’s no longer likely to generate value with the 1 damage to a creature (past turn 4 or so). It’s possible that the direct damage could allow a beneficial trade later into the game, but 1 face damage and possible Battlemace target are probably more valuable.
6) I like to play into the Shadow lane unless my opponent gives me a reason not to. It keeps your opponent from trading into your creatures with Charges and chump attackers (things like High Rock Summoner). That said, this deck often needs to switch lanes due to a fat guard like Hive Defender if you’re not holding an answer. In general, play into the lane that’ll give you the best chance of being able to smack face followed in priority by spreading your threats so a single fat guard won’t ruin your day.
7) I only avoid going face if I’m going to break a rune with 1 damage, and that’s generally only if I’m playing a deck I believe to have a large number of Prophecies (like the mirror match). This deck wants to burn the opponent down ASAP. I can count the number of times an early Prophecy ended up costing me the game on one hand, so the simplest rule is face is the place.
Don’t worry too much about the meta. You’ll get a sense for the decks you see often and the cards that can cost you a game just by playing the deck. Be mindful of things like Ice Storm that can shut you down hard if you play into them, but mostly just hit face and have fun.
9) The simple rule is, if you have more damage in a given lane, go face. If they have more damage in the lane, trade/play removal until you take the lane damage lead then go face. This deck wins with its blazingly fast tempo; you only work against yourself if you trade. Make your opponent trade into your threats and spend their Magicka removing your stuff; if they develop board advantage, it’s really hard for you to get it back. If you keep them on the back foot, forcing them to answer your threats, they’ll never get the chance for board advantage.
Best of luck in all your TESL adventures!