15# Legend while being bad
1 Ungolim the Listener
1 Bruma Profiteer
3 Fighters Guild Recruit
3 Murkwater Witch
3 Thieves Guild Recruit
3 Blacksap Protector
3 Eastmarch Crusader
3 House Kinsman
1 Imperial Legionnaire
3 Murkwater Savage
3 Deshaan Avenger
3 Divine Fervor
3 Moonlight Werebat
3 Leaflurker
3 Piercing Javelin
1 Pillaging Tribune
2 Soulrest Marshal
3 Golden Saint
1 Quin’rawl Burglar
1 Wild Beastcaller
1 Tazkad the Packmaster
15# Legend while being bad
1 [card]Ungolim the Listener[/card]
1 [card]Bruma Profiteer[/card]
3 [card]Fighters Guild Recruit[/card]
3 [card]Murkwater Witch[/card]
3 [card]Thieves Guild Recruit[/card]
3 [card]Blacksap Protector[/card]
3 [card]Eastmarch Crusader[/card]
3 [card]House Kinsman[/card]
1 [card]Imperial Legionnaire[/card]
3 [card]Murkwater Savage[/card]
3 [card]Deshaan Avenger[/card]
3 [card]Divine Fervor[/card]
3 [card]Moonlight Werebat[/card]
3 [card]Leaflurker[/card]
3 [card]Piercing Javelin[/card]
1 [card]Pillaging Tribune[/card]
2 [card]Soulrest Marshal[/card]
3 [card]Golden Saint[/card]
1 [card]Quin’rawl Burglar[/card]
1 [card]Wild Beastcaller[/card]
1 [card]Tazkad the Packmaster[/card]
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Monk deck
0 | 3 | 10 | 13 | 9 | 9 | 5 | 1 |
So i decided that the face is the place, with this deck i can get into top 20 legend any time i want, i can make a random deck, lose hard, go back to 200+ play this deck again and go back to top 20 in no time. It’s fairly cheap aswell.
Ungolim is not needed, you can swap Burglar for a second Beast Caller and you can you can put Marauder instead of Pillaging Tribune.
I run Blacksap Protector because this deck almost auto wins vs controls and you are rly only afraid of aggro going face. If you don’t see Archers or other decks that push dmg early on, feel free to play Varanis Courier or Nimble Ally instead.
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Bruma Profiteer and Imperial Legionare are played in 1x, the exist only for statistical purposes, you will not lose games just because you have that 1 extra drop at 2 and 3 if you don’t get anything else.
The other cards i mentioned are there to prevent you from losing, they don’t make you win, but they increase the chance of staying in the game from behind, that’s why i play 12 Prophecy card.
The rest of the deck is cards of high value, you get to play enough of them, you win.
Royal Housecarl is another great card to put in, since it’s prophecy card and will help a lot vs aggro decks. I only have 1 copy as well, but it won me games a couple of times.