BattleMage Aggro – Top 5 Legend
3 Brutal Ashlander
3 Crown Quartermaster
3 Fiery Imp
3 Firebolt
3 Steel Scimitar
3 Afflicted Alit
3 Dunmer Nightblade
3 Mage Slayer
3 Battlerage Orc
3 Crushing Blow
3 Fearless Northlander
3 Lightning Bolt
1 Reive, Blademaster
3 Sentinel Battlemace
1 Markarth Bannerman
3 Burn and Pillage
3 Triumphant Jarl
BattleMage Aggro – Top 5 Legend
3 [card]Brutal Ashlander[/card]
3 [card]Crown Quartermaster[/card]
3 [card]Fiery Imp[/card]
3 [card]Firebolt[/card]
3 [card]Steel Scimitar[/card]
3 [card]Afflicted Alit[/card]
3 [card]Dunmer Nightblade[/card]
3 [card]Mage Slayer[/card]
3 [card]Battlerage Orc[/card]
3 [card]Crushing Blow[/card]
3 [card]Fearless Northlander[/card]
3 [card]Lightning Bolt[/card]
1 [card]Reive, Blademaster[/card]
3 [card]Sentinel Battlemace[/card]
1 [card]Markarth Bannerman[/card]
3 [card]Burn and Pillage[/card]
3 [card]Triumphant Jarl[/card]
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3 | 15 | 9 | 9 | 7 | 1 | 6 | 0 |
I pushed to rank 5 Legend tonight mainly using this aggro Battlemage deck. It is extremely efficient to grind rank with since games are quick.
1 drop minions, Firebolts, Nord Firebrand + Steel Scimitar, Mage Slayer.
Game Plan:
Go Face with everything only making the most obvious value trades. By mid game you will have 3-4 of their runes burned down. This is when you sit back and burn face with spells while using your Burn and Pillage to clear their whole board (since you haven’t been trading).
Usually you have 5 runes worth of draws to get the burn you need to finish them off. Save items for your Nord Firebrand to combo someone down from 9-14 health in one turn.
This deck is INSANELY fun to play. I had a blast making and playing it, and I hope you guys do too. The high number of spells and proactive minions/buffs makes it feel like you have control of the game at all times.
Check me out on twitch: for more decks and ladder grinding.
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i just recently started playing and i literally lack half of the cards for this deck. So i made my own version, which seems to really suck. What cards do you think this deck really needs and cant be substituted?
burn and pillage is mandatory. I would say the sentinal battlemace is also mandatory. You can cut mage slayer for maybe ice spikes, but mage slayer is really important as well. It’s a 2 drop they can’t kill from stealth so it helps you stick on the board to get face damage in and also equip weapons onto.
This attitude will no be tolerated.
-1 Reive, Blademaster – I’ve been playing with him and I’ve found him to be mediocre at best. I see him as Fearless Northlander number 4, as they are very similar cards, but at 4 mana he loses a large part of the Northlander’s appeal which is to force tempo inefficient trades and removals.
-1 Markarth Banneran – It honestly feels like every time I play this card he gets lightning bolted immediately, which puts me behind in tempo and doesn’t even get me value. Plus the card I’m going to suggest fills the exact same slot but is in my opinion a bit stronger
-1 Triumphant Jarl – I’ve seen rants on reddit going on and on about how strong this card is but the fact of the matter is he’s a 6 drop that forces you to slow down and is quite frankly something this deck never wants to see more than 1 off a game. going into turn 4 or 5 with multiple Jarl’s in your hand is just awful.
+3 Blood Dragon – This card in my oppinion is the definition of insane. 7 health on 5 mana is huge and helps make up for the fact that he doesn’t have an immediate board impact. The real reason I like this card however is that he can ignore this decks biggest weakness, guard. I’ve lost many games with a firebrand and several weapons in hand simply because my opponent had guards in both lanes that I couldn’t kill. Blood dragon lets you play it on turn 5 and then as soon as turn 6 you can attach a Sentinel Battlemace and a Steel Sword to swing in for 12 while also generating a massive threat.
Let me know what you think of this change, I really want to hear from the guy who made the deck.
P.S. I truly believe every other card in the list fits perfectly
Blood Dragon has the same problem that Reive, Bannerman, and Jarl can often have, and that’s slowing down a bit by dropping a minion that doesn’t have the immediate effect you need. Plunder on the other hand usually on turn 7-8 with a firebrand can give you plenty of flexibility for that last bit of lethal burn.