Deck List

deck-list-2104 Без рубрики
3 Nord Firebrand
3 Fiery Imp
3 Rapid Shot
3 Sharpshooter Scout
3 Steel Scimitar
3 Afflicted Alit
3 Orc Clan Captain
3 Rift Thane
3 Rihad Horseman
2 Assassin’s Bow
3 Battlerage Orc
3 Eastmarch Crusader
3 Mighty Ally
2 Morkul Gatekeeper
1 Riften Pillager
1 Stone Throw
1 Skirmisher’s Elixir
1 Tyr
3 Burn and Pillage
2 Triumphant Jarl
1 Savage Ogre

smelly’s budget aggro. legend

3 [card]Nord Firebrand[/card]
3 [card]Fiery Imp[/card]
3 [card]Rapid Shot[/card]
3 [card]Sharpshooter Scout[/card]
3 [card]Steel Scimitar[/card]
3 [card]Afflicted Alit[/card]
3 [card]Orc Clan Captain[/card]
3 [card]Rift Thane[/card]
3 [card]Rihad Horseman[/card]
2 [card]Assassin’s Bow[/card]
3 [card]Battlerage Orc[/card]
3 [card]Eastmarch Crusader[/card]
3 [card]Mighty Ally[/card]
2 [card]Morkul Gatekeeper[/card]
1 [card]Riften Pillager[/card]
1 [card]Stone Throw[/card]
1 [card]Skirmisher’s Elixir[/card]
1 [card]Tyr[/card]
3 [card]Burn and Pillage[/card]
2 [card]Triumphant Jarl[/card]
1 [card]Savage Ogre[/card]
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Crusader deck
50 cards
0 Nord Firebrand 3

Nord Firebrand

1 Fiery Imp 3

Fiery Imp

1 Rapid Shot 3

Rapid Shot

1 Sharpshooter Scout 3

Sharpshooter Scout

1 Steel Scimitar 3

Steel Scimitar

2 Afflicted Alit 3

Afflicted Alit

2 Orc Clan Captain 3

Orc Clan Captain

2 Rift Thane 3

Rift Thane

2 Rihad Horseman 3

Rihad Horseman

3 Assassin’s Bow 2

Assassin's Bow

3 Battlerage Orc 3

Battlerage Orc

3 Eastmarch Crusader 3

Eastmarch Crusader

3 Mighty Ally 3

Mighty Ally

3 Morkul Gatekeeper 2

Morkul Gatekeeper

3 Riften Pillager 1

Riften Pillager

3 Stone Throw 1

Stone Throw

4 Skirmisher’s Elixir 1

Skirmisher's Elixir

4 Tyr 1


6 Burn and Pillage 3

Burn and Pillage

6 Triumphant Jarl 2

Triumphant Jarl

7 Savage Ogre 1

Savage Ogre


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By: smellycat
View other Decks by smellycat
Posted: 2 months ago, edited 2 months ago
Crafting Cost: 6600crystal
Missing Soul Gems: Add your collection to see the soul gems you are missing.


Used it from Rank 12 to Legend. It’d go on 10-20 game streaks until rank 3ish (before crafting Burn and Pillage). Match history was 25-5 when I hit legend.
Proof: (Ran Blood Dragon just because I had it. Don’t think it fits.)

General Strategy
A lot of going face and effective trading. Rift Thane, Rihad Horseman & Mighty Ally can drop obscene damage if you keep them alive for a few turns. Play it a bit and you’ll get a hang for it.

0 Nord Firebrand 3-Dude is dope. Turn 1 Nord Firebrand + Steel Scimitar is $$$. Learn when to save him mid-lategame for lethal buff combos.
1 Fiery Imp 3-Just a sick aggro card. Can do a ton of sneaky damage. Buffing his health with Scimitar can be big trouble for your opponent.
1 Rapid Shot 3-Helps trade, helps you draw, clears board. $$$
1 Sharpshooter Scout 3-One card I thought about dropping a few of. Not as much raw damage potential but versatile enough to earn her spot.
1 Steel Scimitar 3-Amazing 1 cost buff. The health boost is amazing, and anything on Rihad Horseman is sick.
2 Afflicted Alit 3-Pretty self-explanatory. Good aggro card. Can trigger your own Runes and finish low health opponents lategame.
2 Orc Clan Captain 3-I’d consider replacing these with Mage Slayers if I owned any. They can be useful if you have board control/your opponent sleeps on your ability to do 1 or 2 extra damage.
2 Rift Thane 3-This guy is sick. Like a mini-Mighty Ally. His guard ability always has clutch potential too, though you’ll almost never see it.
2 Rihad Horseman 3-Still not sure how good this guy is, but he drops nutty damage if you can equip anything to him. Can come in as a clutch 2/2 bodyguard for your more valuable cards otherwise.
3 Assassin’s Bow 2-Can be really annoying for your opponent when they don’t have burn cards. I’d think about experimenting with Orcish Warhammers in place of these if I had any.
3 Battlerage Orc 3-Basic aggro guy. Can drop clutch burst with a buff or bodyguard other value creatures.
3 Eastmarch Crusader 2-The only raw yellow cards in this deck. I don’t think I’ve had them mess up Mighty Ally’s proc yet, so I love them. Their draw really helps you keep tempo in your favor, especially if you have a strong opening and can proc them turn 3.
3 Mighty Ally 3-This guy is the homie! Holy shit he can drop hammers if they don’t handle him. Almost always 3 mana for a 6/3 with breakthrough. God damn.
3 Morkul Gatekeeper 2-The +2 attack buff is kinda sick and he makes a solid bodyguard, but I’d experiment with dropping him for some of the 4-5 costs off the dream list.
3 Riften Pillager 1-Don’t think this guy belongs here, but when you randomly drop him as a 6/7 lategame it feels good. I always mulligan him.
3 Stone Throw 1-Can’t say whether I want to get rid of it or add more. Has come in clutch for dealing with guards and annoying dudes with active effects.
4 Skirmisher’s Elixir 1-3 uses of +2 attack and breakthrough. Pretty juicy, I’d sub it out for Reive in a heartbeat if I had him.
4 Tyr 1-You get him from the story! The whole reason I decided to build this deck as a noob and he barely makes sense in the deck. Just look at his value though. Damn. And when you get the prophecy??
5 Blood Dragon 1-Hahaa.. I dunno, sub it for a 3rd Eastmarch Crusader or whatever you want. Doesn’t bring enough tempo to the table to belong here but it’s so pretty.
6 Burn and Pillage 3-This card is ridiculous. Lets you play like a damn fool vs other aggro decks. Didn’t craft them til rank 3ish, so I think the deck can 100% work without them if you’re on a tighter budget.
6 Triumphant Jarl 2-Would prolly add a 3rd if I had one. This guy keeps your blood flowing when you run out of steam mid-lategame. Slows you down a bit to drop him, so try to putting him off til he doesn’t cost you much tempo.
7 Savage Ogre 1-Dunno if this guy really belongs here. Feel free to sub him out. Everyone’s got him and the +5 to attack is juicy burst. 5/5 body is no joke too.

Dream List
Cards I’d experiment with in this deck if I had them: Relentless Raider, Mage Slayer, Orcish Warhammer, Reive, Markarth Bannerman.

That’s about it. Didn’t go into the general strategy much but it’s a pretty simple deck. Would love to answer any questions and hear any comments/criticisms.

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