Ungolim the Listener

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Ungolim the Listener
Credits to SzotyMAG for the Images. <3
Name Ungolim the Listener
Rarity Legendary – Unique Legendary
Type Creature
Attributes agility
Race Wood Elf
Magicka Cost 1
Expansion set Core Set
Soul Summon 1200 Crystal
Soul Trap 400 Crystal
Text Summon: Shuffle three Brotherhood Assassins into your deck.
BBCode [card]Ungolim the Listener[/card]
Played in 4832/11256 of Eligible decks (43 %)
Ungolim the Listener creates the following:

Brotherhood Assassin

Constructed Rating: 116 Votes 4.8/5
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Arena Rating: 105 Votes 4.9/5

Latest appearances in Decks: (Last 2 weeks)

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By: Aku


Atotten 2 years ago
This creature shuffles 3 copies of the following card into your deck:

“Brotherhood Assassin” (1-Cost)(Agility) Epic Dark-Elf Creature, 3/3: Lethal. Summon: Draw a card.

This card is so powerful… it directly pushed me right up the next rank. Those Brotherhood Assassins are just insane, especially because of the extra draw.
I think its a full 5 stars card in both constructed and arena play mode.

Corazon 1 year ago
He’s just too good.

Managed to get nine Assasssins into my deck, and I could have easily gotten more if I hadn’t filled my board with useful creatures.

So damn good in a scout deck. So good in general.

armamarma 1 year ago
I cant see a reason not to use this card

I gave him a well deserved 5/5 /or constructed and i’m not happy with not being able to give him more than 5 for arena.
It’s good in any slow/midrange deck that i often galyn the assassins or ungolim if i got lucky enough with my draws.
Works best with altar of despair and tullius conscription and any deck with reasonable draw engine like shrine of namira would get insane values from these even in late game.
Also the brotherhood assassins are not epics they are legendaries.

Savos_Aren 11 months ago
I don’t know if something was changed in the game lately but when I play against green, this guy is the 1st turn drop of my opponent almost always. But it is unique so it is wierd it always comes up in opening hand among 50/75 cards. It was even more wierd when my opponent’s 2nd turn drop was an Assassin… I understand that this card is not woth too much if played mid/late game but still… Nowadays it always seems to come first turn.
About rating: 4.5 for constructed and 100/5 in Arena :D

BigMisterC 10 months ago
This is like… my lucky card. Whatever deck he’s in, he always seems to pop up within the first 1-3 rounds. I have him in a deck built around Tullius’ Conscription and If I get that card off it usually pulls in at least one Brotherhood Assassin. One of my favs

Trueborn 8 months ago
Too good to avoid having in any deck that runs green. Period. Might make more sense to have the brotherhood assassins be 1/1’s with same effect… still getting 4/4 total w/ lethal and card draw x3 for 1 mana. Only saving grace is that you aren’t guaranteed to get any assassins, but the odds are pretty good (especially in a 50’card deck).

Monkspeed 7 months ago
I think this card on the whole, is useless, the 3 brotherhood assassins that he summons, hardly ever turn up, or turn up when it’s far too late. So many more better cards to craft for green instead of this, for example nest of vipers, Brynjolf, Quin’Rawl Burglar, the list goes on and on… Save your dust for something more useful in my opinion.

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