Table of Contents
Giant Control
3 Rapid Shot
3 Kvatch Soldier
2 Rift Thane
2 Crushing Blow
3 Morkul Gatekeeper
2 Skaven Pyromancer
2 Cloudrest Illusionist
3 Earthbone Spinner
3 Hive Defender
1 Reive, Blademaster
1 Tyr
3 Blood Dragon
3 Piercing Javelin
3 Pillaging Tribune
2 Senche-Tiger
3 Belligerent Giant
2 Dawn’s Wrath
2 Vigilant Giant
3 Mantikora
1 Miraak, Dragonborn
1 Odahviing
Giant Control
3 [card]Rapid Shot[/card]
3 [card]Kvatch Soldier[/card]
2 [card]Rift Thane[/card]
2 [card]Crushing Blow[/card]
3 [card]Morkul Gatekeeper[/card]
2 [card]Skaven Pyromancer[/card]
2 [card]Cloudrest Illusionist[/card]
3 [card]Earthbone Spinner[/card]
3 [card]Hive Defender[/card]
1 [card]Reive, Blademaster[/card]
1 [card]Tyr[/card]
3 [card]Blood Dragon[/card]
3 [card]Piercing Javelin[/card]
3 [card]Pillaging Tribune[/card]
2 [card]Senche-Tiger[/card]
3 [card]Belligerent Giant[/card]
2 [card]Dawn’s Wrath[/card]
2 [card]Vigilant Giant[/card]
3 [card]Mantikora[/card]
1 [card]Miraak, Dragonborn[/card]
1 [card]Odahviing[/card]
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Crusader deck
0 | 5 | 5 | 7 | 10 | 9 | 2 | 12 |
Guard | 22 |
Prophecy | 9 |
Breakthrough | 8 |
Drain | 3 |
Regenerate | 0 |
Ward | 0 |
Last Gasp | 0 |
Charge | 0 |
Lethal | 0 |
Pilfer | 0 |
Some day he shouted ‘The game is up’- That was desperate… boredom? He wanted to change his life so he setted off to the far Wrothgarian Mountains..
‘Dragons, Orcs, oh no… it’s a GIANT’ he said when he getted through.
‘I have a great plan HEHEHE, let’s make a Control Deck’. After these words, he used his powerful magic to enchant monsters into a cards, and here is a…”
Welcome in my Giant Control deck page! I’m really happy to see you traveler. I named this deck “Giant Control” not only because there’re a few of Giants, but because we have there a lot of BIG, BIG creatures such as Blood Dragon, Mantikora, Odahviing and others! So let me explain the rules of gameplay.
Early Game:
On beginning (I mean 1st to 3rd turn) we have there a small Removals- Execute and Rapid Shot, in addiction he’s also one of our Draw Engines. We have a good guards- Kvatch Soldier and Rift Thane, and this second can be a good early Pressure creature. For turn number three we have- AOE+Creature as Skaven Pyromancer, Removal as Crushing Blow, and finally- Morkul Gatekeeper, a buff/taunt and of course- Prophecy.
On Mid-Game (I mean 4th to 6th turn) we have.. hmm I think our fourth turn’s quite standard- there’s a one of the best Guards in the game- Hive Defender, Cloudrest Illusionist– a powerful Prophecy and potentially combo with Execute, Earthbone Spinner– really good silence. Except that, we have a two.. One minute, what? Tell me who’s the idiot who putted this two mans in one deck!. Of course it’s Tyr, simple and confident Hero with good stats and Reive, Blademaster, Who can’t be easily killed by the Execute no more Hehe!.
Fifth turn’s simillar in simplicity to the turn fourth- we have here Heal, Removal and powerful tempo creatures- Blood Dragon.
Turn sixth is our Achilles heel– but I’ll change it on 1st Feb., I promise.
Late Game
It’s +7th turn.
Okay, I don’t want to explain that, but well let’s do it:
We have there powerful-est creatures and cards in the game. Belligerent Giant can destroy an enemy support (for example Hist Grove, Divine Fervor etc.), or unsummon opponent creature, what’s a nice tempo play (but he can be easily killed by Lighting Bolt, oh dear Bethesda, please give him a one point health more ). There’s also Vigilant Giant our draw and huge guard. Dawn’s Wrath is our heavy board clear. Miraak, Dragonborn, Mantikora and Odahviing– I think I don’t must explain.
Generally about gameplay
As you can see my Giant deck’s typically control build, what mean he’s strong in late game. Versus Aggro you should try to ‘control’ the board in early- for that you have value creatures like Rift Thane or Hive Defender, and small removals. Then you should easily kill your oponnent in late-mid and late game, but I recommend you to wait on 1st February, because in this day I’ll change big, big Cat for Stampede Sentinel (Prophecy Battlemage and Action Assasin are sometimes really annoying ). Versus Mid-Rage you should to balance with cards on your hand, for example against Item Sorcerer should be good Earthbone Spinner and Execute etc. And last, Control match-ups. I’ll start from Ramp decks, because I think we usually have a good matches against them, because we have Belligerent Giant to destroying Hist Groves, good silence as Earthbone Spinner and ‘tons of removals’, but what with hmm Control Mage? I think you should make a little Pressure in early game, you have few of options to do it- Rift Thane and Morkul Gatekeeper are welcome.
It’s hard to explain about all match-ups and mulligans, so I recommend to be patient and careful in gameplay!
My favorite part.. *sarcasm lol*
Okay, so “What I can play If i don’t have a tego, tamtego, tego też, i tego i tego i tamtego no i jeszcze tych paru kart”.
My anserw’s- don’t play this deck. <---- I was joking
We have a few options to play in this deck, but I recommend these cards:
-Another Rifth Thane, Cloudrest Illusionist, Crushing Blow, Skaven Pyromancer If you don’t have something.
–Dawnbreaker If you often play against Ramp Scout, Control Spellsword etc.
–Immolation Blast, but only one for one Dawn’s Wrath.
And maybe Child of Hircine, Triumphant Jarl, Mundus Stone, Dawnstar Healer, Burn and Pillage etc. etc. idk mates .
After 1st February I’ll change Big Cat for Stampede Sentinel, I’m really mad about him!
I’m still testing this deck. I wanted to make a playable Crusader deck, and I think here he’s. If you have an idea to change something or add something into this deck, tell it in the comment.
Good Luck in gameplay!
*and sorry for my English*
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I made my own Crusader Control Deck, and I can tell you for sure that it is safe to run, 3 Rift Thanes, 3 Crushing Blows and 3 Executes, there’s no reason to run any less, I also run 3 Battlerage Orcs as a mean to remove creatures, but that’s up to you.
Imo, even if Reive is a cool card to play with, it’s not the kind of card you want in a Control Deck; Breaking your opponent runes and giving them resources IS NOT what a control deck wants to do.
Other than that I like the idea of the deck and I’ll be looking forward to see the final list, I might test it in the future.
About the control options for this class I also agree, that’s why my control crusader deck is mostly Yellow cards, I run as much life gain/guards creatures as I can.
You also need something to heal with from the start instead of some high cost card. 2x Dawnstar Healer will do fine. Also good kombo with Pillaging tribune since you get 3 health for every rune destroyed + the healing from tribune.
I should also use 1x dawnbreaker item to kill blood vampire/drain vamp or just a lethal one. It’s a good item for extra preassure. Can be use on child for the double attack or reive to keep it alive. Or just extra stability on a guard
One Intimidate to remove all guards. It can be good in the endgame if you have out high damage cards and your opponnents spamms out guards.
One Immolating blast can be good aswell to clean ramp scout when getting out all leviathans.
Yeha if you have luck with child + trib you can kill 2 creatures with it getting 18 points heal.