Confront Lord Naarifin.
The Interlude is a movie that takes place between the second and third battles of Act III. You, Tyr, Swims-at-Night, Cassia, and Laaneth make it to Lord Naarifin‘s study in the White-Gold Tower and discover the source of his abilities.
- Kellen: “Swims-at-Night had been as good as his word. The tunnel led the adventurers straight into the White-Gold Tower.”
- Tyr: “This must be Lord Naarifin’s study.”
- Laaneth: “Look!”
- Laaneth: “The Orb of Vaermina! That’s how they’re tracking the army!”
- Tyr: “Urk!”
- Lord Naarifin: “So it is. And I’d like you to step away from it very slowly.”
- Laaneth: “Naarifin!”
- Lord Naarifin: “And you are the one who escaped from my temple.”
- Lord Naarifin: “Give me the orb, please… or your friend dies now.”
- Tyr: “Don’t do it!”
- Kellen: “The hero had to make a terrible choice.”
- If you choose “Tyr” and the card Tyr:
- Lord Naarifin: “Thank you kindly.”
- Tyr: “No!”
- Reive: “Rraagh!”
- Lord Naarifin: (gasps)
- Lord Naarifin: “You fool!”
- Lord Naarifin: “Now you will die.”
- If you choose “The Orb” and the card Orb of Vaermina:
- Reive: “So be it!”
- Tyr: “Aaargh!”
- Cassia: “Tyr!”
- Lord Naarifin: “Reive, kill them all.”
- Reive: “With pleasure.”
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