Legends:Dagoth Ur

Dagoth Ur
Creature (God)
LG-card-Dagoth Ur.png
Deck code ID ea
Card Set LG-icon-Houses of Morrowind.png Houses of Morrowind
Magicka Cost LG-icon-Magicka.png12
Class StrengthIntelligenceIntelligenceAgility House Dagoth
Power Power 8 Health Health 8
Rarity Legendary Legendary
Breakthrough, Charge, Drain, Guard, Lethal, Ward

Dagoth Ur is a unique legendary House Dagoth creature card. It is available as part of the Houses of Morrowind expansion.


In addition to the card’s availability in the Houses of Morrowind expansion, one copy is included in the Dagoth’s Might theme deck.


When summoned:

“Come to me! Through fire and war, I welcome you.”

When attacking:

“Have you any parting words?”


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