Legends:Naryu Virian

Naryu Virian
Creature (Dark Elf)
LG-card-Naryu Virian.png
Deck code ID ln
Card Set LG-icon-Houses of Morrowind.png Houses of Morrowind
Magicka Cost LG-icon-Magicka.png6
Attribute Agility Agility
Power Power 6 Health Health 6
Rarity Legendary Legendary
Summon: Summon a 0/1 Target with Guard for your opponent in each lane.
Friendly creatures have “Slay: +1/+1 and Lethal.”

Naryu Virian is a unique legendary Agility creature card. It is available as part of the Houses of Morrowind expansion.

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When summoned:

“Show me what you got, hero.”

When attacking:

“I’ve got a job to do.”


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