Legends:Cursed Spectre

Cursed Spectre
Creature (Spirit)
LG-card-Cursed Spectre.png
Deck code IDdR
Card SetLG-icon-Core Set.png Core Set
Magicka CostLG-icon-Magicka.png4
AttributeEndurance Endurance
PowerPower 2HealthHealth 2
RarityCommon Common
Summon: Silence another creature.

Cursed Spectre is a common Endurance creature card. It is available as part of the Core Set.


In addition to the card’s availability in the Core Set, two copies are included in the Tribunal Glory theme deck, and one copy in the Imperial Might deck.


When summoned:

“Death comes to us all.”

“The living have no place here.”

When attacking:





  • Based on the caption on the illustrator’s site, the card was originally going to be called “Faded Wraith”.
  • This card’s summon ability applies the Spectral Curse card effect.

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Legends Decks