Legends:A New Era

A New Era
LG-card-A New Era.png
Deck code ID Be
Card Set LG-icon-Promotional.png Tamriel Collection
Magicka Cost LG-icon-Magicka.png11
Class WillpowerAgilityAgilityEndurance The Empire of Cyrodiil
Rarity Epic Epic
Shuffle all creatures into your deck

A New Era is an epic Empire of Cyrodiil action card. It is available as part of the Tamriel Collection.

Table of Contents


  • This card applies the Auxiliary Draft card effect.
  • This card depicts Tiber Septim according the file name of the card’s art, wearing his set of Imperial Dragon Armor as it appeared in TES IV: Oblivion. The card’s name is a reference to Tiber Septim’s declaration of the start of the Third Era.


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