Legends:Solo Arena/Dominion Marshall

Dominion Marshall

The Smart

LG-arena-Aldmeri Dominion.png
ClassIntelligenceWillpowerWillpowerAgility Aldmeri Dominion
Prophecies Prophecy1x Valenwood Sentry, 1x Staff of Ice
AttributesIntelligence 9Willpower 9Willpower 10Agility 9Neutral 9Neutral 1Triple Attribute 1
RarityCommon 17Rare 17Rare 9Epic 4


AttributesRarityMagicka Curve

Deck List
QuantityAttributesNameType (Subtype)MagickaPowerHealthRarityAbility
1IntelligenceForked BoltAction01Common CommonDeal 1 damage to a creature and your opponent.
1IntelligenceBrutal AshlanderCreature (Dark Elf)1111Common CommonLast Gasp: Deal 3 damage to a random enemy.
1WillpowerElixir of VitalitySupport11Common CommonUses: 3

Activate: Gain 2 health.

1IntelligenceRavaging ElixirSupport12Rare RareUses: 3

Activate: Deal 1 damage to your opponent.

1WillpowerAlchemyAction23Epic EpicGive your Activated supports 1 extra use.
Empower: +1 use.
1IntelligenceAltmer FlameslingerCreature (High Elf)2131Common CommonWard
At the start of your turn, Altmer Flameslinger deals 1 damage to your opponent.
1AgilityElixir of Light FeetSupport22Rare RareUses: 3

Activate: Give a creature Cover.

1IntelligenceIce SpikeAction21Common CommonDeal 2 damage to your opponent.
Draw a card.
1NeutralMudcrab AnklesnapperCreature (Mudcrab)2321Common CommonSummon: Deal 1 damage to your opponent.
1IntelligenceChanneled StormAction31Common CommonDeal 3 damage to a creature.
Empower: +1 damage.
1IntelligenceWillpowerWillpowerAgilityDominion BattlereeveCreature (High Elf)3332Rare RareDrain
Summon, Last Gasp, and Slay: Deal 1 damage to your opponent.
1AgilityDunmer TyroCreature (Dark Elf)3141Common CommonCharge
Veteran: +2/+0
1AgilityGiant BatCreature (Beast)3221Common CommonCharge, Drain
1WillpowerLuminous ShardsAction31Common CommonDestroy a creature with 1 power or less.
Empower: +1 power.
1WillpowerPack WolfCreature (Wolf)3221Common CommonSummon: Summon a 1/1 Young Wolf in the other lane.
1WillpowerRenowned InstructorCreature (Nord)3341Common CommonExpertise: Summon a 1/1 Recruit.
1WillpowerRiverhold EscortCreature (Khajiit)3162Rare RareGuard
Pilfer: Move.
1AgilityShadowscale HunterCreature (Argonian)3432Rare RareVeteran: Move.
1WillpowerStrategist’s MapSupport32Rare RareUses: 3

Activate: Summon a 0/1 Target with Guard for you or your opponent.

1AgilityGreen Pact StalkerCreature (Wood Elf)4342Rare RareGuard
Summon: +2/+2 if there is a Wounded enemy creature in this lane.
1AgilityValenwood Sentry ProphecyCreature (Wood Elf)4431Common CommonProphecy, Guard
1WillpowerWishAction42Rare RareSummon a random 2-cost creature.
Empower: +1 cost creature.
1WillpowerImperial MightSupport53Epic EpicOngoing

At the end of your turn, summon a 1/1 Imperial Grunt.

1IntelligenceLillandril HexmageCreature (High Elf)5541Common CommonAfter you play an action, deal 1 damage to your opponent.
1AgilitySnowy Sabre CatCreature (Beast)5373Epic EpicMay attack an extra time each turn.
1AgilitySpoils of WarAction51Common CommonDraw two cards.
Empower: Costs 1 less.
1IntelligenceStaff of Ice ProphecyItem52Rare RareProphecy, Mobilize
Summon: The wielder deals 2 damage.
1WillpowerSenche-TigerCreature (Beast)6471Common CommonGuard
1AgilityDebilitateAction73Epic EpicGive all creatures -2/-2.
Empower: Costs 1 less.
1IntelligenceShocking WamasuCreature (Wamasu)8441Common CommonSummon: Deal 4 damage to a creature.

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