Legends:Trouble Seeker

Trouble Seeker
Creature (Orc)
LG-card-Trouble Seeker.png
Deck code IDqS
Card SetLG-icon-Isle of Madness.png Isle of Madness
Magicka CostLG-icon-Magicka.png5
AttributeStrength Strength
PowerPower 3HealthHealth 5
RarityRare Rare
Summon: Battle an enemy creature. When Trouble Seeker takes damage, he deals that much damage to you.

Trouble Seeker is a rare Strength creature card. It is available as part of the Isle of Madness story set.


When summoned:

“Bring it on! I’m ready!”

When attacking:

“This is supposed to scare us? Ha!”


  • The title Troublemaker is achieved by dealing 100 damage to yourself, cumulatively, with this card.

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Legends Decks