Legends:Mistveil Enchanter

Mistveil Enchanter
Creature (Breton)
LG-card-Mistveil Enchanter.png
Deck code IDkD
Card SetLG-icon-Heroes of Skyrim.png Heroes of Skyrim
Magicka CostLG-icon-Magicka.png4
AttributeIntelligence Intelligence
PowerPower 2HealthHealth 2
RarityCommon Common
Summon: +2/+0 if you have another creature with Ward.

Mistveil Enchanter is a common Intelligence creature card. It is available as part of the Heroes of Skyrim expansion.


When summoned:

“The power of the Mundus is at my command.”

When attacking:

“You’re no match for me!”


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Legends Decks