Legends:Crushing Blow

Crushing Blow
LG-card-Crushing Blow.png
Deck code IDdM
Alternate Art Deck code IDdN
Card SetLG-icon-Core Set.png Core Set
Alternate Art AvailabilityMad Prince Pack
Magicka CostLG-icon-Magicka.png3
AttributeNeutral Neutral
RarityCommon Common
Deal 3 damage.

Crushing Blow is a common Neutral action card. It is available as part of the Core Set.


In addition to the card’s availability in the Core Set, three copies are included in the Aela’s Companions theme deck, three copies in the Band of Survivors deck, and two copies in the Tribunal Glory theme deck.


  • A premium version of this card with alternate artwork was available in the Mad Prince Pack.
  • The card’s alternate art was created by Nuare Studio.

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Legends Decks