Legends:Solo Arena/Beastmaster


The Lightfooted

LG-arena-Argonian 1.png
ClassAgility Agility
Prophecies Prophecy2x Lurking Crocodile, 1x Moonlight Werebat, 1x Ransack
AttributesAgility 25Neutral 25Neutral 5
RarityCommon 16Rare 16Rare 8Epic 6


AttributesRarityMagicka Curve

Deck List
QuantityAttributesNameType (Subtype)MagickaPowerHealthRarityAbility
2AgilityCurseAction02Rare RareGive a creature -1/-1.
2AgilityArrow in the KneeAction11Common CommonShackle a creature and deal 1 damage to it.
2AgilityVoracious SprigganCreature (Spriggan)1211Common CommonDrain
2NeutralLurking Crocodile ProphecyCreature (Reptile)2321Common CommonProphecy
2AgilityPoisonous SpiderCreature (Spider)2111Common CommonLethal
1NeutralRavenous CrocodileCreature (Reptile)2341Common CommonSummon: You must deal 2 damage to a friendly creature.
1AgilityFeasting VultureCreature (Beast)3322Rare RareSummon: +2/+2 if a creature died this turn.
2AgilityGiant BatCreature (Beast)3221Common CommonCharge, Drain
2AgilitySnow FoxCreature (Beast)3231Common Common
1AgilityMoonlight Werebat ProphecyCreature (Beast)4423Epic EpicProphecy, Drain
2NeutralSlaughterfishCreature (Fish)4112Rare RareSlaughterfish gains +2/+0 at the start of your turn.
1AgilityTerritorial ViperCreature (Reptile)4112Rare RareCharge, Lethal
1AgilityCliff RacerCreature (Reptile)5442Rare RareCharge
1AgilityGiant SnakeCreature (Reptile)5333Epic EpicSummon: Shackle all enemy creatures in this lane.
1AgilityGreen-Touched SprigganCreature (Spriggan)5153Epic EpicWhen you gain health, Green-Touched Spriggan gains that much power.
1AgilitySnowy Sabre CatCreature (Beast)5373Epic EpicMay attack an extra time each turn.
2AgilityHighland LurcherCreature (Lurcher)6751Common Common
1AgilityRansack ProphecyAction62Rare RareProphecy
Deal 3 damage and gain 3 health.
1AgilityWild BeastcallerCreature (Spriggan)6343Epic EpicSummon: Summon a random Animal.
1AgilityWild SprigganCreature (Spriggan)6343Epic EpicSummon: Summon a 2/3 Snow Fox.
1AgilityChaurus ReaperCreature (Chaurus)7541Common CommonSummon: Give all enemy creatures in this lane -1/-1.

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