Legends:Solo Arena/Wrothgar Warlock

Wrothgar Warlock

The Creator

LG-arena-Orc 3.png
ClassStrengthEnduranceEndurance Warrior
Prophecies Prophecy2x Frostbite Spider, 2x Lurking Mummy, 3x Midnight Sweep
AttributesStrength 7Endurance 7Endurance 22Dual Attribute 1
RarityCommon 13Rare 13Rare 7Epic 4Legendary 4Legendary 6


AttributesRarityMagicka Curve

Deck List
QuantityAttributesNameType (Subtype)MagickaPowerHealthRarityAbility
3EnduranceHist SpeakerCreature (Argonian)2221Common CommonWhile Hist Speaker is in play, your max magicka is increased by 1.
2EnduranceOldgate WardenCreature (Breton)2051Common CommonGuard, Regenerate
3StrengthBattlerage OrcCreature (Orc)3231Common CommonCharge
2EnduranceFrostbite Spider ProphecyCreature (Spider)3322Rare RareProphecy, Lethal
3EnduranceTree MinderCreature (Argonian)3111Common CommonGuard
Summon: Gain +1 max magicka.
3EnduranceMidnight Sweep ProphecyAction42Rare RareProphecy
Summon a 2/2 Colovian Trooper with Guard in each lane.
2StrengthRampaging MinotaurCreature (Minotaur)4322Rare RareBreakthrough, Charge
2EnduranceLurking Mummy ProphecyCreature (Mummy)5261Common CommonProphecy, Guard
2EnduranceShadowfen PriestCreature (Argonian)5443Epic EpicSummon: Silence another creature, or destroy an enemy support.
1StrengthEnduranceEnduranceGortwog gro-NagormCreature (Orc)6464Legendary LegendaryAt the start of your turn, summon a random creature from your deck to a random lane.
1EnduranceNight PredatorCreature (Werewolf)6563Epic EpicBreakthrough, Regenerate
1EnduranceNight ShadowCreature (Vampire)6653Epic EpicBreakthrough, Drain
1EnduranceBone ColossusCreature (Skeleton)7554Legendary LegendarySummon: Fill this lane with 1/1 Skeletons.
Other friendly Skeletons have +1/+1.
1EnduranceNahagliivCreature (Dragon)7774Legendary LegendaryGuard
Your opponent can’t target Nahagliiv with actions.
1StrengthVigilant GiantCreature (Giant)8884Legendary LegendaryBreakthrough, Guard
Summon: Draw a card.
1StrengthVolendrungSupport84Legendary LegendaryUses: 2

Activate: Give a creature +4/+4 and Breakthrough.

1EnduranceBlood Magic LordCreature (Vampire)9664Legendary LegendarySummon and Slay: Put a Blood Magic Spell into your hand.

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