Legends:Mausoleum Delver

Mausoleum Delver
Creature (Khajiit)
LG-card-Mausoleum Delver.png
Deck code ID wL
Card Set LG-icon-Moons of Elsweyr.png Moons of Elsweyr
Magicka Cost LG-icon-Magicka.png4
Attribute Agility Agility
Power Power 2 Health Health 5
Rarity Epic Epic
Steal a card from your opponent’s discard pile to yours.

Mausoleum Delver is an epic Agility creature card. It is available as part of the Moons of Elsweyr expansion.

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When summoned:

“Khajiit must stay out of sight.”

When attacking:

“They won’t miss this.”


  • This card’s pilfer ability applies the Pilfered Dead card effect with the text “Stolen by a grave robber.”

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