Legends:Varen Aquilarios

Varen Aquilarios
Creature (Imperial)
LG-card-Varen Aquilarios.png
Deck code IDux
Card SetLG-icon-Alliance War.png Alliance War
Magicka CostLG-icon-Magicka.png4
AttributeWillpower Willpower
PowerPower 4HealthHealth 6
RarityLegendary Legendary
When one of your runes breaks, you gain 5 health instead of drawing a card.

Varen Aquilarios is a unique legendary Willpower creature card. It is available as part of the Alliance War expansion.


When summoned:

“I will light the Dragonfires, as all true emperors must.”

When attacking:

“I dispatched Leovic personally, you will fare no better.”


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