Legends:Practice/Master of Illusions

Master of Illusions

The Victorious

ClassIntelligenceAgilityAgility Assassin
Prophecies Prophecy3x Fighters Guild Recruit, 3x Wisdom of Ancients, 3x Lightning Bolt, 3x Moonlight Werebat
AttributesIntelligence 18Agility 18Agility 24Neutral 7Dual Attribute 7Dual Attribute 1
RarityCommon 15Rare 15Rare 11Epic 14Legendary 14Legendary 10


AttributesRarityMagicka Curve

Deck List
QuantityAttributesNameType (Subtype)MagickaPowerHealthRarityAbility
1NeutralShadowmereCreature (Beast)1114Legendary LegendaryCharge
Last Gasp: Shuffle Shadowmere into your deck, give it +3/+3, and increase its cost by 3.
1AgilityUngolim the ListenerCreature (Wood Elf)1114Legendary LegendarySummon: Shuffle three Brotherhood Assassins into your deck.
3AgilityVoracious SprigganCreature (Spriggan)1211Common CommonDrain
3IntelligenceEvermore StewardCreature (Breton)2112Rare RareGuard, Ward
3AgilityFighters Guild Recruit ProphecyCreature (Argonian)2121Common CommonProphecy, Guard, Lethal
2AgilitySnake Tooth NecklaceItem22Rare Rare+1/+1
Summon: Give the wielder Drain this turn.
3IntelligenceWisdom of Ancients ProphecyAction23Epic EpicProphecy
Give each friendly creature a random Keyword.
3NeutralCrushing BlowAction31Common CommonDeal 3 damage.
3IntelligenceDaggerfall MageCreature (Breton)3224Legendary LegendaryWard
When Daggerfall Mage’s Ward is broken, put a Tome of Alteration into your hand.
3AgilityGiant BatCreature (Beast)3221Common CommonCharge, Drain
3IntelligenceLightning Bolt ProphecyAction41Common CommonProphecy
Deal 4 damage.
3AgilityMoonlight Werebat ProphecyCreature (Beast)4423Epic EpicProphecy, Drain
1IntelligenceAgilityAgilityQueen BarenziahCreature (Dark Elf)4634Legendary LegendaryDrain
Summon: Give all other friendly creatures in this lane Guard.
3AgilityTerritorial ViperCreature (Reptile)4112Rare RareCharge, Lethal
2AgilityTorval CrookCreature (Khajiit)4143Epic EpicCharge
Pilfer: Gain 2 magicka this turn.
3AgilityCliff RacerCreature (Reptile)5442Rare RareCharge
3IntelligenceMentor’s RingItem54Legendary Legendary+3/+3
Summon: Give this creature’s Keywords to each other friendly creature.
3IntelligenceBattlereeve of DuskCreature (High Elf)6333Epic EpicSummon: Give friendly creatures +1/+1 for each Keyword they have.
3NeutralIllusory MimicCreature (Spirit)6553Epic EpicSummon: Illusory Mimic gains all Keywords that the top three cards of your deck have.
1AgilityTazkad the PackmasterCreature (Goblin)9664Legendary LegendaryBreakthrough, Charge
Last Gasp: Summon a 4/4 Durzog.

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