What is the Impact of Changing Avatar / Race

what-is-the-impact-of-changing-avatar-race Thread
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pagem 4 days ago
As soon as I got beta access I started playing without really thinking to much about my starting race and avatar. Now I realise that the race does have a significant impact as you level up and upgrade cards.

Just realised I can change my Avatar and I presume my race but I am not sure of the impact of this. Does this mean I get upgrades based on the new race from the level I change?

Also is there a list of the upgrades for each race somewhere?


KingsWalk 4 days ago
I think you would get that race card faster.

MacDermot 2 days ago
What race yoy have doesn’t change how you upgrade cards, it oonlonly changes what you get from level-up rewards. Sometimes you get extra cards that say “imperial bonus”, for example, and in there you’ll find imperial cards.

There is a guide on what cards you get and gow they upgrade here on this very website, however I cant link it because I’m on mobile.

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