Some versus arena experience

some-versus-arena-experience Thread
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SMOrc666 3 days ago
Hi there, i’m playing ESL for 2+ weeks so far, had some success in ranked/solo arena, then i tried versus.

5 total runs may be not much, but almost every one of them looks the same:

A) Draw a somewhat decent deck, being say ~15 cards in 1-3 range, ~10 in 4-6, 3-5 heavy endgame ones, if i’m lucky, even get some but not many synergies and removals.
B) Almost every game, no matter its 0-0 or 0-2, encounter an opponent either with almost constructed-level deck, having like 5+ hard removals and insane synergies or with a hyper-SMOrc one, just steamrolling my face with charge/buffs etc. in the first 4-5 turns without much care about breaking the runes or minding the board.
C) Rinse and repeat, end up like 0-3 or 1-3, get a pack and throw in another 150 gold.

Of all my 5 runs i’ve had exactly one 3-3, two 1-3 and two 0-3, which seems far too low. In HS even with some terrible decks i usually still manage to win 2-4 games, usually its 5+.

So i wonder if its either me or just a small player base combined with terrible matchup system, tho i hardly believe that at the time i say start my next game being @ 0-2, there’s absolutely no other “noobs” with the same score.

Speaking of matchups in ranked, they also look strange, like the last 5 games being @ rank 7 were against: 4(loss), 7(win), 3(win), 9(loss), 6(win).
Can someone with longer arena experience share their statistics?


Solair3 3 days ago
well, after two weeks of play I wasn’t much better. Now I can reach 4-7 wins. If you are really unlucky you can still go 0-3, or 1-3. Much better than do 6-0, that three losses in a row.

check out some other guides for versus and solo arena:

Saszex 3 days ago
I was making 1-3/2-3 many times. Now I’m trying to do one versus arena per day. I have streak, four days 7-1/7-2 :D. Jump’d from rank 9 to rank 5 :). Jump’d from rank 9 to rank 5 :). You just need practice, if many people smorc you, try get a defensive deck, make smart trades at start, build a table, dont break oponent runes and then finish him down. Good luck :)

DarkVaati 3 days ago
Everyone has bad arena runs from time to time, but all you need is some more practice. Sure, drafting an insane deck helps a lot, but in the long term you just need to improve your play to get the most value out of the cards you draft.

Currently I might have an average of 4-to-5 wins per run, but honestly I don’t track my stats. I’d say that, out of 4 runs, one may be bad (2 wins or less), another one may end at 7 wins and the other two may be around 4-6.

Paly_Noob 3 days ago
To the OP: I have had the same experiences as you and I don’t play it anymore. Just not worth the time/gold investment to not have fun.

As I learned from others in Hearthstone, don’t keep playing Arena just because others say you should (e.g. “it’s the best gold investment in the game”) when you continue to have a $#!++y time. Some people love the challenge/time of drafting and trying to do well in Arena, and that’s great, but I have accepted I am not one of those people. I’d rather hop into some quick games of casual or ranked, much more fun and satisfying to me (even when I lose) and I just buy packs with my gold.

The important thing is to decide what makes you happy/allows you to have fun and play that.

SMOrc666 2 days ago
Paly_Noob wrote:
To the OP: I have had the same experiences as you and I don’t play it anymore. Just not worth the time/gold investment to not have fun.

As I learned from others in Hearthstone, don’t keep playing Arena just because others say you should (e.g. “it’s the best gold investment in the game”) when you continue to have a $#!++y time. Some people love the challenge/time of drafting and trying to do well in Arena, and that’s great, but I have accepted I am not one of those people. I’d rather hop into some quick games of casual or ranked, much more fun and satisfying to me (even when I lose) and I just buy packs with my gold.

The important thing is to decide what makes you happy/allows you to have fun and play that.

Well, when it comes to entertainment, i always valued fun over effectiveness, and regarding shamanstone, the arena remains the only mode there that i still play and even enjoy.

Regarding ESL versus arena, it isn’t that bad even when losing heavily – i still get that pack and some experience, maybe it just some terrible matchups, as my sample size of 5 runs is definitely way too small.
BTW, i’ve checked my picks against the tier list last 3 runs, and according to that, i’ve picked the most valuable one like 25 times out of 30. Sometimes it may be just luck, tho it’s a bit frustrating seeing that my only Piercing Iavelin sits in my hand from turn 1 when my opponent pops 3 of his as a prophecy for free.
I’ll do some more runs in the future, hoping for the better outcome :)

Ah, and BTW, thanks all for your input.

1 Reply
Paly_Noob 2 days ago
You’re welcome, feel free to add me in-game, my name is ‘mrachel’ :-)

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