Deck List

deck-list-145 Deck
3 Deadly Draugr
1 Ungolim the Listener
3 Fighters Guild Recruit
2 Hist Speaker
3 Murkwater Witch
3 Thieves Guild Recruit
3 Wind Keep Spellsword
3 Crushing Blow
2 Mummify
3 Tree Minder
3 Black Marsh Warden
3 Preserver of the Root
3 Leaflurker
3 Shadowfen Priest
3 Thorn Histmage
3 Chaurus Reaper
1 Nahagliiv
1 Tazkad the Packmaster
2 Blood Magic Lord
1 Red Bramman
1 Iron Atronach

justinlarson’s Red Bramman Rides Again

3 [card]Deadly Draugr[/card]
1 [card]Ungolim the Listener[/card]
3 [card]Fighters Guild Recruit[/card]
2 [card]Hist Speaker[/card]
3 [card]Murkwater Witch[/card]
3 [card]Thieves Guild Recruit[/card]
3 [card]Wind Keep Spellsword[/card]
3 [card]Crushing Blow[/card]
2 [card]Mummify[/card]
3 [card]Tree Minder[/card]
3 [card]Black Marsh Warden[/card]
3 [card]Preserver of the Root[/card]
3 [card]Leaflurker[/card]
3 [card]Shadowfen Priest[/card]
3 [card]Thorn Histmage[/card]
3 [card]Chaurus Reaper[/card]
1 [card]Nahagliiv[/card]
1 [card]Tazkad the Packmaster[/card]
2 [card]Blood Magic Lord[/card]
1 [card]Red Bramman[/card]
1 [card]Iron Atronach[/card]
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endurance agility
Scout deck
50 cards
1 Deadly Draugr 3

Deadly Draugr

1 Ungolim the Listener 1

Ungolim the Listener

2 Fighters Guild Recruit 3

Fighters Guild Recruit

2 Hist Speaker 2

Hist Speaker

2 Murkwater Witch 3

Murkwater Witch

2 Thieves Guild Recruit 3

Thieves Guild Recruit

2 Wind Keep Spellsword 3

Wind Keep Spellsword

3 Crushing Blow 3

Crushing Blow

3 Mummify 2


3 Tree Minder 3

Tree Minder

4 Black Marsh Warden 3

Black Marsh Warden

4 Preserver of the Root 3

Preserver of the Root

5 Leaflurker 3


5 Shadowfen Priest 3

Shadowfen Priest

5 Thorn Histmage 3

Thorn Histmage

7 Chaurus Reaper 3

Chaurus Reaper

7 Nahagliiv 1


8 Tazkad the Packmaster 1

Tazkad the Packmaster

9 Blood Magic Lord 2

Blood Magic Lord

9 Red Bramman 1

Red Bramman

12 Iron Atronach 1

Iron Atronach

0 4 14 8 6 9 0 9

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By: justinlarson
View other Decks by justinlarson
Posted: 3 weeks ago, edited 1 week ago
Crafting Cost: 18450crystal

NEW: Deck tech video, explaining each card choice in the list:

Fairly straight forward.

Know your opponent. Save Murkwater Witch to take out things like Breton Summoner, or trigger Leaflurker.

When Mummify comes off of a prophecy, you more than likely won’t want to play it. Drag it to your hand.

Drop Draugr turn one into the field lane if your opponent isn’t running red/green or any yellow. Profit. Use Draugr and Fighter’s Guild Recruit to try and box your opponent into one lane for easier abuse via Charus Reaper, Red Bramman, and Blood Magic Lord.

Mulligan everything that costs more than 3, unless you know your opponent isn’t running execute/arrow storm but will have things to kill with Archein Venomtongue, then you could go for that, although I wouldn’t if I didn’t have the magicka potion.

Given the choice between Thieves Guild Recruit and any other two drop, lay down Thieves Guild Recruit, except in the rare situation where you have a Wind Keep Spellsword in hand and your opponent has something delicious to attack and you’re not worried about execute or a toughness boosting effect.

Try not to drop Blood Magic Lord until you’re at 11 Magicka, so you can use his cards to protect him (the gargoyle and the shackle).

At various times I’ve used this to get rank 1 legend for the past couple of months. Enjoy.

Video of the deck in action, narrated by the opponent that I faced in the first Legends tournament semi-finals:

Podcast where I’m the guest and I talk about my experience building and playing the deck:

The final of the tournament, where this deck takes on TVP playing his now infamous archer deck:

Now updated to version 2.0. Venomtongues out, Ungolim and the 3rd Black Marsh Warden added.

Find me on twitter at
Watch some top 10 legend rank matches on youtube at

Here’s the archer match, since several of you have been inquiring about that one:

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Hi justinlarson, just reached legend with your deck! Many thanks!
In the past days I made two small changes to your list.
I noticed that during late game I could not draw into enough threats. I just kept drawing Deadly Draugr and Wind Keep Spellsword. I removed one copy of each and added Odahviing and one Varanis Courier for card draw.

Like your videos on Youtube!

1 Reply
Those seem like reasonable changes for sure. Congratulations on hitting legend, and thanks for watching the channel! There might be a $cout update in the next few days, so keep your eyes peeled.

dovahtiim 4 days ago
hey man, i just played you in casual and really want to try your deck, but i’m missing pretty much all legendaries. i have enough dust to craft 3 of them though and really want to work toward this deck. any advice on which legendaries to craft first?

1 Reply
vanish2k 3 days ago
watch his deck tech video in the description

Cyan 2 days ago
I’m wondering about a few things that are missing in the deck, and would like to know why. Namely Feasting Vulture (which seems pretty easy to trigger with all the Lethals and small creatures) and early Guards (stuff like Oldgate Warden for instance).

Is it because the goal is to focus on building mana and not bother with smaller critters?

Tree Minder and Deadly Draugr almost always seem to not have an effect in the games I play them in.

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