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- Profit!
Top 10 Legend Midrange Sorcerer – October ’17
3 [card]Dragontail Savior[/card]
3 [card]Shrieking Harpy[/card]
3 [card]Wardcrafter[/card]
3 [card]Wind Keep Spellsword[/card]
3 [card]Daggerfall Mage[/card]
3 [card]Haunting Spirit[/card]
3 [card]Stalwart Ally[/card]
3 [card]Young Mammoth[/card]
3 [card]Corrupted Shade[/card]
3 [card]Lightning Bolt[/card]
1 [card]Lucien Lachance[/card]
2 [card]Stronghold Eradicator[/card]
3 [card]Whiterun Protector[/card]
3 [card]Black Worm Necromancer[/card]
1 [card]High King Emeric[/card]
3 [card]Wrath of Sithis[/card]
2 [card]Bone Colossus[/card]
1 [card]Nahagliiv[/card]
1 [card]Ancano[/card]
Sorcerer deck
0 | 3 | 12 | 12 | 7 | 5 | 7 | 4 |
Ward | 13 |
Guard | 6 |
Prophecy | 6 |
Breakthrough | 4 |
Last Gasp | 3 |
Slay | 1 |
Lethal | 1 |
Treasure Hunt | 0 |
Charge | 0 |
Betray | 0 |
Wax | 0 |
Wane | 0 |
Regenerate | 0 |
Rally | 0 |
Assemble | 0 |
Exalt | 0 |
Pilfer | 0 |
Plot | 0 |
Drain | 0 |
Invade | 0 |
Some noteworthy cards choices:
Dragontail Saviour:
An overstatted early drop? Midrange says Yes, please.
Don’t hesitate to drop this guy onto an empty board if you don’t have anything else to play, playing from behind hurts this deck a lot more than having one less attack on one of its creatures.
Stalwart Ally:
A powerhouse if it hits, and against slower decks a 3/3 for 3 is often good enough, as long as you hit your curve. However, its the first card to look at if you’re thinking about making changes. Dark Guardian might be a justifiable replacement, but the 2 attack trades a lot less efficiently.
Corrupted Shade:
Your powerspike on turn 4 is the reason this deck performs well at all, and usually wants to hit your opponent in the face. They are often scared you’ll reward it and don’t trade into it (often rightfully so) unless they can kill it off. It often dies to hard removal after going face for 5, a huge win for you as you have even bigger creatures coming in to top off your curve.
Stronghold Eradicator;
This deck cares a lot about trading favorably, and this overstatted dude gives you the ability to trade into creatures with cover or smaller creatures your opponent tries to hide behind a bigger guard.
Lucien Lachance:
Synergizes very well with your big amount of ward creatures. Being ahead on board and dropping him to get one favorable trade often spells GG. But don’t be afraid to play him without being able to use his ability if you don’t have your corrupted shade on 4, he will usually trade just fine.
Generally speaking, this deck aims to curve out to get an advantage over your opponent on the board, and once this advantage is strong enough hit face with strong, beefy mid-range creatures closing the gap to lethal with firebolts, Ancano and the High King Emeric.
Without Ring:
Throw away everything that isn’t Wardcrafter, WindKeep Spellsword or Dragontail Savior, you want to get that Board control going ASAP. If you have one of those, you can keep any 3 drop.
Against slow decks, if you have a 2 drop, you can also keep Lucien and Corrupted Shade, as you will get 4 more draws until turn 3, which should usually get you a 3 or, less ideally, 2 drop.
With Ring:
You are looking for a ring 2 drop, ring 3 drop, 3 drop, 4 drop curve.You usually want to keep one ring charge for the endgame to get a Wrath of Sithis or Bone Collosus to hit one turn earlier. Passing turn 1 is not too bad against control and you can keep a double 3 drop hand in these matchups, as most of your 2 drop are still useful in the later stages of the game. Against aggressive decks, you do want to search aggressively for a 2 drop.
Proof of Legend Rank:
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+1. I love this card, used to underestimate it since a guy played vs me and this is fucking annoing lmao. I put it in my every mid range sorcerer/warrior deck since
i’m curious about why there is no shornhelm champion ?
i was missing 1 daggerfall mage and 1 bone colossus and I put 2 of them