Sparking Spider

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Credits to SzotyMAG for the Images. <3

Name Sparking Spider
Rarity Common common-9231214
Type Creature
Attributes neutral-7621129
Race Dwemer
Magicka Cost 4
Attack attack-7909272
Health health-7253408
Expansion set Core Set
Soul Summon 50 crystal-8449250
Soul Trap 5 crystal-8449250
Text Prophecy, Guard
Keywords Guard,Prophecy
BBCode [card]Sparking Spider[/card]
Played in 326/30879 of Eligible decks (1 %)
Constructed Rating: 14 Votes 1.4/5
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Arena Rating: 11 Votes 1.2/5

Latest appearances in Decks: (Last 2 weeks)


Kyorua 3 years ago
Cost not worth the stats, bad Dwemer for Dwemer deck, not good in Arena either unless obligated to take over other cards.

Constructed: ✰✰✰✰✰
Arena: ✰✰✰✰✰

JunHyuk Yang 2 years ago
one of the Worst card in dwemer deck.
4 cost 2/3 prophecy guard is really really bad.
there’s 2 cost 3/2 prophecy guard in strength, 3 cost 3/3 prophecy guard in agility, 3 cost 2/4 prophecy guard in intelligence,
4 cost 3/6 guard in willpower, 3 cost 2/5 guard in endurance. even 3 cost 3/3 neutral barded guar can ‘choose’ which creature to give guard including itself.
Unless it pops out from a broken rune or there’s a hall of the dwemer activated, it is a really weak card.

It’s pretty grim, funny thing is that this card is actually fairly common to come across.

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