
therana card
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Credits to SzotyMAG for the Images. <3

Name Therana
Rarity Legendary – Unique legendary-5672564
Type Creature
Attributes intelligence-6254301
Race Dark Elf
Magicka Cost 5
Expansion set Houses of Morrowind
Soul Summon 1200 crystal-6530822
Soul Trap 400 crystal-6530822
Text After you play an action, shuffle three 0-cost copies of that action into your deck.
BBCode [card]Therana[/card]
Played in 984/14254 of Eligible decks (7 %)
Constructed Rating: 43 Votes 4.7/5
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Arena Rating: 28 Votes 4.4/5

Latest appearances in Decks: (Last 2 weeks)

strength-1779868 intelligence-6254301 Invade or treat !
By: Tweny8
strength-1779868 intelligence-6254301 agility-2846650 Sixth House Dark Elf
By: Danezu
strength-1779868 intelligence-6254301 willpower-9322863 Imp Invasion
By: Telvani2018
intelligence-6254301 willpower-9322863 agility-2846650 Dominion Ustg
By: Eik87
agility-2846650 intelligence-6254301 Markt 0
By: Eik87
agility-2846650 intelligence-6254301 Ultimate Siege Assassin
By: MilanMan


> Play Therana with basically one card left.
> Play Ice Spike
> Rinse and Repeat (and pray the opponent draws no prophecies
> Win the game
(At least that’s what I just had to witness myself)

Can we at least get a “Every card generated this way can’t be copied”? Because thinking of infinite 0-Cost Soul Tears and Drain Vitalities is frightening.

I played this once. Played Mummify to get 3 0-cost copies of it. Next turn my opponent played Orb of Vaermina, he got ONE OF THOSE 0-COST MUMMIFY AND F****** MUMMIFIED MY THERANA.

this + spirit knife can be brutal

I think this is good in specific decks or in a deck where you can stop her when you want with a silence or whatever. Otherwise things can go out of control.

JackAries 9 months ago
Just played an incredibly long, very annoying game against a mage deck built entirely around this card. Constantly played Therana, two or three actions, then an unsummon action on her. Kept repeating until he had about 130 cards in his deck. I think his strategy was just to kill creatures, gain health, and wait for the opponent to lose after running out of cards while he kept generating more. Luckily I figured out what he was doing early on. Necromancer’s amulet and played only one charge creature at a time. Conserving. Got up to 61 health while chipping away at his. He started taunting me when I had about 4 cards left. Then I played Journey to Sovengarde and crushed him with charge creatures haha

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