Baliwog Tidecrawlers/Smoked Baliwog Leg Creature and Action (Grummite) Deck code ID po Card Set Isle of Madness Availability Double Card Magicka Cost
Manic Grummite/Demented Grummite Creature (Grummite) Deck code ID kf Card Set Isle of Madness Availability Double Card Magicka Cost 6 Attribute Neutral
Felldew/Elytra Noble Creature and Action (Elytra) Deck code ID gk Card Set Isle of Madness Availability Double Card Magicka Cost 8 Attribute Agility
Experimental Scroll Action Card Set Heroes of Skyrim Availability Created Magicka Cost 4 Attribute Intelligence Rarity Legendary Experimental Scroll is
Blademaster Porcia Support Card Set Isle of Madness Availability Unobtainable Magicka Cost 0 Attribute Neutral Rarity Common Uses: Unlimited Indestructible
Skooma Cat’s Whimsy Support Deck code ID yN Card Set Monthly Card Magicka Cost 1 Attribute Neutral Rarity Epic Ongoing Your cards that didn’
Notehollow Support Card Set Isle of Madness Availability Unobtainable Magicka Cost 0 Attribute Neutral Rarity Common Ongoing Indestructible A strange song
Confused Villager Creature (Beast) Card Set Isle of Madness Availability Created Magicka Cost 1 Attribute Neutral Power 1 Health 1 Rarity Common Confused
Archcanon Saryoni Creature (Dark Elf) Unique Deck code ID aJ Card Set Houses of Morrowind Magicka Cost 4 Class Tribunal Temple Power 3 Health 3 Rarity
Cadwell the Soul Shriven/Cadwell the Betrayer Creature (Imperial) Unique Deck code ID wY Card Set Moons of Elsweyr Availability Double Card Magicka
Manic Jack/Manic Mutation Creature and Action (Breton) Deck code ID kg Card Set Isle of Madness Availability Double Card Magicka Cost 4 Attribute
Spawn Mother/Baliwog Creature (Grummite) Deck code ID oT Card Set Isle of Madness Availability Double Card Magicka Cost 6 Attribute Willpower Power 3 Health
Crystal Tower Acolyte Creature (High Elf) Card Set Core Set Availability Unobtainable Magicka Cost 3 Attribute Intelligence Power 2 Health 1 Rarity
Yagrum’s Workshop Support Deck code ID yM Card Set Monthly Card Magicka Cost 3 Attribute Neutral Rarity Epic Uses: 3 Activate: Your Summon and Assemble
Mechanical Ally Creature (Dwemer) Deck code ID kp Card Set Monthly Card Magicka Cost 3 Attribute Neutral Power 3 Health 3 Rarity Epic Summon: Summon