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Ramp Scout, Pure Control, no Mid-range bs

3 [card]Shadow Shift[/card]
1 [card]Ungolim the Listener[/card]
3 [card]Fighters Guild Recruit[/card]
3 [card]Murkwater Witch[/card]
1 [card]The Night Mother[/card]
3 [card]Thieves Guild Recruit[/card]
3 [card]Crushing Blow[/card]
3 [card]Tree Minder[/card]
3 [card]Varanis Courier[/card]
3 [card]Hist Grove[/card]
3 [card]Moonlight Werebat[/card]
3 [card]Preserver of the Root[/card]
2 [card]Leaflurker[/card]
3 [card]Shadowfen Priest[/card]
3 [card]Thorn Histmage[/card]
1 [card]Chaurus Reaper[/card]
1 [card]Nahagliiv[/card]
2 [card]Eclipse Baroness[/card]
2 [card]Blood Magic Lord[/card]
1 [card]Night Talon Lord[/card]
1 [card]Red Bramman[/card]
1 [card]Chaurus Breeding Pit[/card]
1 [card]Odahviing[/card]
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By: Ilija Kojadinov…
View other Decks by Ilija Kojadinovic
Posted: 2 years ago
Updated: 2 years ago
Outdated (DarkBrotherhood patch)
Crafting Cost: 18850crystal-4901276
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This is my ramp scout, which is pure control.

Notable cards missing: Wind Keep Spellsword, Packmaster, Mumify.
I chose not to include Wind Keep Spellsword because I played this deck with it long time and card, at least to me, proved underwhelming. I don’t run Packmaster because I’m not a cheeky c*nt, if you play control, you play control, therefore you don’t need some cheese 6 charge damage, else if your deck needs extra 6 damage, you’re motherf*cking mid range, and it cringes me to see all the people running Packmaster in their ”control” decks.
Mummify, I don’t run Mummify because meta is pretty midrange to aggro therefore it usually just drops 1-2 attack from creatures that already got their summon effect in play, but there is one thing that really shows up, when you’re playing against mage, if you Odahviing and enemy mage uses Miraak to steal your Odahviing (or Blood/Night Lords for that matter) you can get in quite a pickle without mummify, but that’s only situation where I can forsee lack of Mummify to be almost game losing, which can even be avoided with proper savings of Murkwater Witches+Leaflukers and Red Bramman so I’d advise just playing smarter in that match up instead of hampering your deck with usually dead card against any mid range or aggro.

Cards that can be removed: Night Talon Lord, if you think card is too slow/doesn’t do enough, could be replaced with Night Shadow, but I prefer using Moonlight Werebats for pure HP gain, since they’re prophecy and all, Night Talon Lord is a bit win more card, that threatens to take over the game if your opponent cant deal with it (also works with The Night mother, because even if your opponent ignores the side that Night Talon Lord is on, you can always spam 0/1 targets and get your heal off, while not damaging him (which you cant do with Night Shadow because of Breakthrough mechanic, IMO Night Shadow is purely midrange card, not control one).
Varanis Courier is also replacable card, you want draw, you want taunts, and it kills 1 hp guys early in vs aggro decks, so I run it, it can be replaced with Enchanted Armor if you prefer faster card draw in later game, but that also doesn’t soak up damage nor contests the board vs aggro early, so it’s up to you.

Still on working: Exact number of Eclipse Baronesses and Charus Reapers, I run 1 Chaurus Breeding Pit, one Chaurus Reaper and 2 Baronesses, in my mind, they occupy same spot, so I wouldn’t advise of putting more than 5 cards of these above in any order you like. Chauruses are better when you’re facing aggro and mid range, but Baronesses are better when facing control, it’s up to you to test how many of each you want.

Mulligan: Drop everything above 3 with one big exception, if you get either Tree Minder or Hist Grove with Thorn Histmage in mulligan hand and you got the coin, keep it. You go turn 2 coin (or elixir, w/e) Tree Minder/Hist Grove, turn 3 coin Thorn histmage. That should ramp your mana to 6 on turn 4, making you have one more mana than your opponent who went first, from my experience, I don’t think I’ve ever lost a game with such strong opening.

Game plan: You prioritize ramp over other things unless board requires you to deal with it, and sometimes it does, because remember, Scout doesn’t have any big clears (which is one of the reasons why debate about number of Chaurus Reapers is there) therefore you need to deal with treats accordingly or at least have protective front of taunts to save your HP from falling.

Random tips: When fighting mid range decks (especially any deck with red colors) try to keep their HP lesser than yours, so they wont be able to activate those special cards, even if it means giving them few early cards,after you form defensive line of taunts, avoid hitting face until you have lethal.
Avoid using Shadow Shift early to fill out your curve (example, on turn 4 playing 3 drop and Shadow Shift just for card draw), try waiting for actually useful time to move your creature, most of the times in late game you’ll be using it on big taunts that enemy is trying to ignore or on Blood/Night Lords that seem so distant in another lane without any enemy minions to kill.

Biggest enemies of this deck are red/orange aggro decks who rush you way too fast with extremely mana cost efficient minions (in which case you could go for Night Shadows or maybe Snake Tooth Necklaces) and red/green decks who have way too many charge creatures in it, you feel safe in one turn with 1 big taunt minion in each lane accompanied with 1-2 1/1 taunts (Tree Minders and Murkwater Witches) to soak up attacks even if they got way to deal with your big taunt and in another turn you see they got Grahtwood Ambusher into Finish off into 2 charge creatures that go straight to your face. Usually what you wanna do in games like these is not to play out your taunts that much, but make him commit to one lane where he plans to send multiple Cliffe Racers and Packmaster and then wall it off (also Nahagliiv is MVP in these matches cause only thing that removes him is Earthbone Spinner, so be weary of leaving Nahagliiv alone in one lane thinking it’s completely walled off cause they cant target him with actions).

If you got this far, thanks for reading all this sh*t, hope it helps.
P.S. I know deck is kinda pricey but it’s sad reality with control decks, they need legendaries, while dirty aggro can suffice with commons usually, even though I’m completely F2P player of this game, I managed to get all these cards, how you ask? Just religiously diss any filthy red/strength aggro bs card you get and use that dirty soul essence for actual good cards in endurance and agility colors. Cause f*ck red and f*ck aggro.

Edit: If you find meta too aggressive (which I do atm) try swapping 2 Eclipse Baroness for 2 Giant Snakes, or if you value card draw and reduction, maybe swap 2 Varanis Couriers for them, upon reflection this deck requires a bit more stalling and currently I play with 2 giant snakes instead of baronesses.

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