Deck List

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Reaper Machine Gun

3 [card]Scout’s Report[/card]
1 [card]Ungolim the Listener[/card]
3 [card]Barrow Stalker[/card]
3 [card]Dro-m’Athra Reaper[/card]
3 [card]Fighters Guild Recruit[/card]
3 [card]Skinned Hound[/card]
3 [card]Sly Marshblade[/card]
3 [card]Thieves Guild Recruit[/card]
1 [card]Galyn the Shelterer[/card]
3 [card]Necromancer’s Amulet[/card]
3 [card]Sanctuary Pet[/card]
3 [card]Tree Minder[/card]
3 [card]Namira’s Shrine[/card]
3 [card]Territorial Viper[/card]
3 [card]Thorn Histmage[/card]
3 [card]Odirniran Necromancer[/card]
2 [card]Debilitate[/card]
1 [card]Journey to Sovngarde[/card]
1 [card]Ring of Namira[/card]
2 [card]Tullius’ Conscription[/card]
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To The Elder Scrolls: Legends: Export to The Elder Scrolls: Legends To BBCode: Export BB Code File BB Code:
By: Elrad151
View other Decks by Elrad151
Posted: 6 months ago
Updated: 5 months ago
Outdated (Elsweyr patch)
Crafting Cost: 18250crystal-8181014
Missing Soul Gems: Add your collection to see the soul gems you are missing.


This is a combo deck which is build to go to the combo as fast as possible and survive until then. The combo itself is your game plan to win against control and most of the other cards are anti-aggro.

The combo is:
Dro-m’Athra Reaper + Namira’s Ring + Journey to Sovenguarde
In that order.
The Reaper gives you health when creatures leave discard, which triggers the Ring. By playing Journey you deal massive damage in one turn. It is easier to reach the threshold to kill your enemy instantly if you play 2 Reapers in one turn.

Magicka needed for 1 Reaper: 16 (4 ramps)
Magicka needed for 2 Reapers: 18 (6 ramps)
The magicka required means you need to often use Odiniran Necromancer to bring back ramp like Tree Minder and Thorn Histmage. Keep this in mind, but always put survival first against aggro or mid.

Galyn is used to target either Necromancer or Reaper. Reaper lets you find more reapers for combo, and use the ones in your hands to gain health and trade. Necro lets you ramp more, lethal remove creatures, and most importantly, lets you bring back Galyn to shuffle more copies. Generally, it’s better to target Necromancers, but if you want to close a game out against control targeting the Reaper might be better.

Remember that if you are losing and need to stabilize playing 2 of your Reapers is safe because you can shuffle more back in.

If you think you are fighting Aggro, it is usually worth it to hard mulligan for Necromancers Amulet for lifegain. You will almost certainly draw two drops, but there is only 3 amulets in the deck.

Good luck, as long control doesn’t use memory wraith you should win automatically. wink-9664906

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NFWheeler 6 months ago
May I get your WR? I like it how it looks but I only have 9k soul gems.

1 Reply
Elrad151 5 months ago
Not high enough, I swapped wake the dead for Debilitate but I’m still refining.

About 60%. When played right.

Deck shows promise, although I would take out the Namira’s Shrines and put in Falkreath Defilers for better synergy with the Dro-m’Athra Reapers.

1 Reply
Elrad151 5 months ago
Reapers are meant to be kept in hand for combo unless you need them out to survive.

Elrad151 5 months ago
More info to play the deck to come soon.

Is the damage a big burst or 1 tick at a time? Im assuming 1 tick due to machine gun deck name but just wanted to make sure.

1 Reply
Elrad151 5 months ago
One at a time, but it can’t be interrupted if you kill in one play. So no prophecies will trigger.

I played against you yesterday, this deck was super annoying to play against. I thought I had you but you just kept healing back all the damage I was dealing and I did’t realize you were a combo deck until it was too late. I was like “What is going on here, he has like 8 cards left in his deck and he hasn’t made a dent yet”. I was playing Guildsworn Dragons. Then I saw that Dro-m’Athra Reaper and knew what you were up to, but I had nothing that could disrupt it, at that point I wanted to concede because I knew you were going to get the combo off, but the game had already taken a really long time and I kinda wanted to just let you have your combo, it’s probably pretty satisfying for you when you get it haha.

Out of curiosity, what’s your win rate with this on the ladder? My win rate with that dragons deck was garbage yesterday (truth be told, I didn’t win a single game with it), so I was wondering if I was just a good match-up for you, or if you’ve been beating a lot of people with this deck?

1 Reply
Elrad151 5 months ago
Was about 50-60% at Legends before the month was over. Currently in Rank 5 like 0% RIP. Thanks for the game!

Edit: I suppose not 0% since I beat you after all, but you get what I mean. Well below 50%.

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