Team Prophecy Meta Snapshot #1

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Team Prophecy Meta Snapshot #1

By: Ashmore 3 weeks ago

The original article:
The forum thread: Here on our forums

All credits goes to Team Prophecy and Faid who did an amazing job. Here is the article:

Welcome all, my name’s Faid and this is Team Prophecy’s first bi-weekly Meta Snapshot, for the week of August 9th, 2016. We will be sorting the top decks into tiers. First, Tier 1 is the best decks in the game because of their pure power. For this week, the Tier 2 decks may not perform as well overall, but are the best choice to counter Archer and other potential Tier 1 decks. Trailed by that is Tier 3. These decks are still contenders to reach high Legend, but do not perform well in the meta set by Tier 1 and Tier 2 decks. Finally, Tier 4, which consists of unrefined or just not currently powerful enough decks to compete with the others in the higher tiers. Along with that, please remember, the actual ordering within the Tiers mean nothing at the current state.

Shout out to , and of course all the members of Team Prophecy: , , JustinLarson, Maya, SkullCollector, , and for helping create this Tier List.

Type Breakdown

3Willpower 5Agility 3 5Endurance 4

Tier 1

Agility Archer Tempo – Tvp9 

I used to be an adventurer like you, then I took and arrow in the knee. A phrase that might just resurge from any player that has been grinding ladder recently. It’s no surprise that Tvp9’s Archer list dominates the top of the ladder, it answers versatility, an array of options and expansive synergy gives the deck the top spot. Tvp’s stats show his lowest win rate is to Spellsword Token at 55% win rate. However, it takes practice to perform that well with the adventure crippling arrows of the Archer, this is a complex deck to master.

Tier 2

AgilityEndurance Scout Ramp – Justinlarson 

It just wouldn’t be a card game without some form of strong resource acceleration. Justin Larson’s Scout Ramp takes the second slot and a 1st Place victory in the TESL Champions series. The deck opens like a midrange deck with a flexible gameplay style. This allows the player to be aggressive in control and the Archer matchup while becoming the control deck against aggressive decks like Goblin or Token. This deck can beat out many of the popular decks with a high win rate, on of the most favored matchups being Spellsword Token.

WillpowerEndurance Spellsword Token – SkullCollector 

While this deck does take the loss against Scout, this swarmy spawner token deck is the best choice to take down Archer on a budget. Once you craft the mandatory three Divine Fervor, this deck in all forms can take a win from Tvp9’s Archer. But wait there’s more! This deck can also beat out aggro decks if tech’d correctly. Add in some Dawnstar Healers, Executes or Fharun Defender to control the early game. But wait, there’s even more!, This deck can also provide a difficult match for some control decks that don’t run efficient board clears. For these reasons Spellsword Token receives the “Most balanced Deck of the Week Award”, the ability to tech for multiple matchups makes this deck a great investment for getting up to the competitive area of ladder due to the very few polarized matchups.

Battlemage Aggro – Dovahkiyn / Anais 

If you are a Hearthstone player, you will enjoy this one. One of the only successful pure aggro decks your job is to break runes, Burn and Pillage and finish off your opponent with charging minions with you remaining item cards if necessary. The matchups are pretty simple, anything that heals, guards or drains is going to be rough, these includes Endurance decks that run Willpower or Agility. However, this deck sometimes just does not care about your health gain and can trample down any deck with good openers, yes Archer too, pair that with the fast games and you have a great ladder deck to grind with, but also a powerhouse that can win even the most unfavorable matchups.

Tier 3

From TES: Oblivion to now, they don’t get much prettier. Goblins work like most tribes, but many of them are just powerful cards which see a lot of play outside the tribal. Murkwater Savage, Witch, and Shaman all see play in a variety of places meaning getting the whole family together would be an obvious powerhouse. However, if the deck gets a poor draw, it can make winning impossible, pair that with the fact that the deck has very little late game and a smaller win condition window is created meaning a lot of cases you will realize you just can’t kill your opponent. But more often than not, it works and when it works it is terrifying. This tribe’s value-packed early game means the deck can take control early against aggressive decks and spiral out of control against control.

Willpower Mage Tempo – SkullCollector 

The Tempo Mage comes in two forms. One being action based, a deck that revolves so heavily around actions that nearly every card has some type of synergy with actions. Then, the other being more minion based and well grounded. Both are strong and do follow the same game plan, play value minions and win with tempo. They can steal almost any game away with huge tempo swinging plays. However, the deck often has very limited resources meaning decks that take many spells to swing the board often leave the Mage forced to use actions as answers, thus losing value and card advantage. A deck that dominates tempo mage is Sorcerer Wards.

Endurance Sorcerer Wards Midrange SkullCollectors 

Wards are often the most valuable keyword a minion can have, they make a minion hard to remove and very efficient for trading. Stuff these ward minions together and you can easy create a control killer. However, the deck can fall off against aggro if you have a poor start. With no guard, shackle or healing, It can make stabilizing very difficult against faster decks. This is why the ward deck falls so low, the comeback mechanics are lacking as well as just not being able to compete with the control decks for value generation despite it being the premise of the deck.

Another greedy control list that tries to out value every deck on the ladder. Spellsword control tries to stabilize and win with creatures so big the opponent can not answer. The deck struggles to draw cards, meaning the main draw source is from runes leaving a tough choice to when to start protecting the life total. It takes intuition and understanding to determine this precise point and it can make the deck very powerful. However, suffering from arrow to the knee syndrome the deck can not compete with Archer, thus leaving it down here in Tier 3.

Willpower Mage Control – Crystonian 

Another greedy control list appears. This one is better against aggro, it runs many cards to prevent the early rush, but many of these cards have every little value in other matchups. The deck has many answers for larger creatures, but still can be beaten down by aggro and outvalued by more greedy control decks. The meta will decide which control deck is the best, but right now neither are particularly strong.

Willpower Crusader Aggro – I Fight Dragons 

This is a deck that can easily beat down a control deck, it is not as fast Battlemage, but can dish out incredible amounts of damage using Nord Firebrands in combination with support cards. This gives the deck reach, allowing it to beat slow greedy decks. However, the list can often fall flat with poor hands crippling the deck and leaving it dead in the water against fast decks and can get dominated by midrange decks with removal for bannerman after losing tempo playing support cards. This is an aggro deck after all, so it is great for fast games on the ladder, making it very favorable when the ladder is not tech’ed for aggro, meaning it may still take the game by surprise.

Tier 4

There are many decks in development at the moment — almost every archetype and color combination you can think of — so many of these will fade out and not earn a spot on the tier list while others will. At this time we will wait for these decks to cement and actually win/loss statistics for them to arise at high legend before putting them on the list.

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DarkVaati 2 weeks ago
Awesome work, guys! Not a big fan of netdecking, but having a first view of the most played decks and cards is definitely useful for both newcomers and veterans alike. I would like to suggest, however, including some functional replacements for each deck whenever possible, considering that a lot of people just started playing last week with the release of open beta. I think it would be really helpful.

Daenthir 2 weeks ago
just hit legend with mage control. i dont think it is tier3 .from rank 5 to legend i only lost 4 times

liquidputin 2 weeks ago
I’m not convinced this is accurate. I’m doing decently well with a deck that isnt even listed here.

Snorlax 2 weeks ago
I would probably fit SkullColector’s Spellsword into tier 1

xSG.6x 2 weeks ago
I think you could link a 1.5 version of Meta Snapshot, as it’s quite different right now :)

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