November Card Reward: Battlereeve of Dusk

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November Card Reward: Battlereeve of Dusk

By: Ashmore 2 days ago

Battlereeve of Dusk is November’s monthly reward.
As always, you will have to reach rank 9 (Mage) in Versus Battle by the end of this month to get one copy, rank 5 (Warrior) to earn a second copy and rank 1 (Thief) to get the full set.

Battlereeve of Dusk
Summon: Friendly creatures get +1/+1 for each keyword they have.

Card has been added to our database so you can start theorycrafting!

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Lokheit 2 days ago
It will be interesting if it counts keywords like “last gasp”, “pilfer” or “prophecy” for this. It could lead to some decent combos depending on it.

DarkVaati 2 days ago
Last Gasp and Pilfer are not keywords ‘per se’ (they don’t completely define an effect), but rather keyword abilities (they introduce a mechanic, but the effect needs to be further detailed). Prophecy actually is a keyword and hence should count, but there’s no way to know until we play it.

See also  Battle for the Hist deck lists and VoD

Anyway, once more this is a win-more card, since you need a board with at least 4 keywords on your creatures to be worth the cost. It would’ve been much more interesting just by having ward itself (and virtually becoming 4/4).

Jeez, Legion Praefect (which is a common) has almost identical cost/stats ratio and guarantees a bonus for each creature, and outside the Arena is almost unplayable. This new card is once again pretty disappointing to be an epic.

a bit overcosted it seems, was hoping for a red card :/

LE_MALEM 2 days ago
Hm! This can be easily comboed with Royal Sage. This also gives an idea for a Mundus Assassin Deck: Drain, Charge, Lethal, Ward… This deck has literally every keyword. With Mundus Stone and Royal Sage, this card could give you the boost your cards need to deal maximum damage. One problem: It’s way too costly and with meager stats of 3/3, it’s nearly unplayable and I don’t see it being played.

1 Reply
Tonpote 2 days ago
With wisdom of ancients too

Pretty useless, just compare it to Legion Praefect…

3 Replies
Calvo 1 day ago
Well, I just hope it doesn’t result in a further upsurge like with Mundus Stone and other RNG cards, which is undesirable imho.

Sinnistar 1 day ago
Gets +1/+1 for each keyword though, Legion Praefect only gives 1 +1/+1. I think it has potential. Gotta think if you are playing a keyword type deck your creatures will have 2 or 3 keywords at least. Combos great with Royal Mage and Mundus Stone. And if you have 3 or more creatures out that’s like +8/+8 or +9/+9 making it a 6 cost finisher.

DarkVaati 1 day ago
Gets +1/+1 for each keyword though, Legion Praefect only gives 1 +1/+1. I think it has potential. Gotta think if you are playing a keyword type deck your creatures will have 2 or 3 keywords at least. Combos great with Royal Mage and Mundus Stone. And if you have 3 or more creatures out that’s like +8/+8 or +9/+9 making it a 6 cost finisher.

Are you aware that each creature gets +1/+1 for each keyword they have, individually? Creatures without keywords get nothing. And normally each creature has 2 keywords at best.

Rahnza 1 day ago
Battlereeve of Dust


DMaster2 1 day ago
Wow so bad, it won’t see any play.

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