Legends:Dominion Dominance

Dominion Dominance
ClassIntelligenceWillpowerWillpowerAgility Aldmeri Dominion
Default Banner ArtAyrenn
ReleaseAlliance War
Price1000 Gold or USD $7.99/€7.99
Deck CodeSPAQmpuztboxdOjyfGmFqGgedhdQdrsxhotyANadnMsvebsytvlYoesVfibUixnrALtgsHuvsUjHjJsPtSumswam
AttributesIntelligence 28Willpower 28Willpower 14Agility 29Triple Attribute 29Triple Attribute 4
RarityCommon 37Rare 37Rare 29Epic 8Legendary 8Legendary 1


AttributesRarityMagicka Curve

Deck List
QuantityAttributesNameType (Subtype)MagickaPowerHealthRarityAbility
1AgilityCurseAction02Rare RareGive a creature -1/-1.
3IntelligenceForked BoltAction01Common CommonDeal 1 damage to a creature and your opponent.
3WillpowerAldmeri PatriotCreature (High Elf)1122Rare RareSummon: +1/+1 if you have an action in your hand.
3AgilityDominion OathmanCreature (High Elf)1221Common CommonSummon: If you have a…
Willpower card in play, Drain.
Intelligence card in play, Drain.
Intelligence card in play, deal 2 damage to your opponent.
3IntelligenceRavaging ElixirSupport12Rare RareUses: 3

Activate: Deal 1 damage to your opponent.

2AgilityShadow ShiftAction11Common CommonMove a friendly creature.
Draw a card.
2IntelligenceAbecean NavigatorCreature (High Elf)2311Common CommonSummon: If the top card of your deck is an action, draw it. Otherwise, put it on the bottom.
2WillpowerAlchemyAction23Epic EpicGive your Activated supports 1 extra use.
Empower: +1 use.
3IntelligenceAltmer FlameslingerCreature (High Elf)2131Common CommonWard
At the start of your turn, Altmer Flameslinger deals 1 damage to your opponent.
1IntelligenceCrystal Tower CrafterCreature (High Elf)2111Common CommonAfter you play an action, Crystal Tower Crafter gains +1/+1.
2AgilityDaring Cutpurse ProphecyCreature (Khajiit)2221Common CommonProphecy
Pilfer: +1/+1
2AgilityDune Stalker ProphecyCreature (Khajiit)2312Rare RareProphecy
Summon: Move another friendly creature in this lane.
1AgilityElixir of Light FeetSupport22Rare RareUses: 3

Activate: Give a creature Cover.

2IntelligenceIce SpikeAction21Common CommonDeal 2 damage to your opponent.
Draw a card.
1WillpowerMystic of Ancient RitesCreature (Khajiit)2233Epic EpicWhen Mystic of Ancient Rites Empowers an action in your hand, the Empower bonus does not expire at the end of turn.
1WillpowerPriest of the Moons ProphecyCreature (Khajiit)2221Common CommonProphecy
Summon: You gain 2 health.
2IntelligenceShrieking Harpy ProphecyCreature (Harpy)2212Rare RareProphecy
Summon: Shackle an enemy creature.
2AgilityBlacksap Protector ProphecyCreature (Wood Elf)3332Rare RareProphecy, Guard
3IntelligenceChanneled StormAction31Common CommonDeal 3 damage to a creature.
Empower: +1 damage.
2IntelligenceWillpowerWillpowerAgilityDominion BattlereeveCreature (High Elf)3332Rare RareDrain
Summon, Last Gasp, and Slay: Deal 1 damage to your opponent.
2AgilityDragonguard OutcastCreature (Imperial)3132Rare RareLethal
Summon: Dragonguard Outcast has Cover until she attacks.
1AgilitySkooma RacketeerCreature (Khajiit)3222Rare RareSummon: Give a creature Lethal.
1WillpowerCloudrest Illusionist ProphecyCreature (High Elf)4433Epic EpicProphecy
Summon: Give a creature -4/-0 this turn.
3IntelligenceLightning Bolt ProphecyAction41Common CommonProphecy
Deal 4 damage.
2IntelligenceRoyal SageCreature (High Elf)4442Rare RareSummon: If you have more health than your opponent, give each friendly creature a random Keyword.
1AgilityTorval CrookCreature (Khajiit)4143Epic EpicCharge
Pilfer: Gain 2 magicka this turn.
3AgilityValenwood Sentry ProphecyCreature (Wood Elf)4431Common CommonProphecy, Guard
3WillpowerWishAction42Rare RareSummon a random 2-cost creature.
Empower: +1 cost creature.
2AgilityAssassin Beetle ProphecyCreature (Beast)5222Rare RareProphecy
Play a Prophecy from your hand.
1AgilityCliff RacerCreature (Reptile)5442Rare RareCharge
1AgilityLeaflurkerCreature (Wood Elf)5433Epic EpicSummon: Destroy a Wounded creature.
3IntelligenceLillandril HexmageCreature (High Elf)5541Common CommonAfter you play an action, deal 1 damage to your opponent.
2WillpowerPiercing Javelin ProphecyAction51Common CommonProphecy
Destroy a creature.
3AgilitySpoils of WarAction51Common CommonDraw two cards.
Empower: Costs 1 less.
1IntelligenceWillpowerWillpowerAgilityAyrenn’s ChosenAction63Epic EpicSummon a random 1/1 Recruit in each lane and give them Guard.
Empower: +1/+1.
1IntelligenceFate Weaver ProphecyCreature (Nereid)6332Rare RareProphecy
Summon: Draw a card. If it’s a Prophecy, you may play it for free.
1WillpowerGolden SaintCreature (Daedra)6442Rare RareGuard
Summon: If you have more health than your opponent, summon a Golden Saint in the other lane.
1AgilityRansack ProphecyAction62Rare RareProphecy
Deal 3 damage and gain 3 health.
1AgilityDebilitateAction73Epic EpicGive all creatures -2/-2.
Empower: Costs 1 less.
1IntelligenceWillpowerWillpowerAgilityAyrenn, Dominion QueenCreature (High Elf)8664Legendary LegendaryDrain
Summon: Draw a random action from your discard pile.
When you draw an action on your turn, deal 1 damage to your opponent.

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