Deck List

deck-list-1909 Deck

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  • Launch The Elder Scrolls: Legends
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Unstoppable Skeevers

2 [card]Curse[/card]
3 [card]Rapid Shot[/card]
2 [card]Shadow Shift[/card]
1 [card]Ungolim the Listener[/card]
3 [card]Fighters Guild Recruit[/card]
3 [card]Finish Off[/card]
2 [card]Murkwater Witch[/card]
2 [card]Protector of the Innocent[/card]
3 [card]Thieves Guild Recruit[/card]
2 [card]Skaven Pyromancer[/card]
3 [card]Skeever Infestation[/card]
3 [card]Earthbone Spinner[/card]
2 [card]Fell the Mighty[/card]
1 [card]Garnag, Dark Adherent[/card]
3 [card]Moonlight Werebat[/card]
2 [card]Leaflurker[/card]
1 [card]Allena Benoch[/card]
2 [card]Triumphant Jarl[/card]
3 [card]Belligerent Giant[/card]
2 [card]Falinesti Reaver[/card]
3 [card]Unstoppable Rage[/card]
2 [card]Vigilant Giant[/card]
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To The Elder Scrolls: Legends: Export to The Elder Scrolls: Legends To BBCode: Export BB Code File BB Code:
By: Lon3wanderer
View other Decks by Lon3wanderer
Posted: 2 years ago
Outdated (DarkBrotherhood patch)
Crafting Cost: 14300crystal-9475138
Missing Soul Gems: Add your collection to see the soul gems you are missing.


Reason for cards:

1) Curse – Combos well with your clears (finish off, leaflurker, and reavers).

2) Rapid Shot – Card draw and combos with clears.

3)Shadow Shift – Does so much. Card draw, moves creatures into the shadow lane, and allows you to shift cards to possibly win the game.

4) Ungolim the Listener – The Brotherhood Assassins provide card draw, removal, and insane clear with lethal and unstoppable rage combo.

5) Fighters Guild Recruit – Pretty obvious edition. Combos with unstoppable rage and just a great all around card.

6) Finish off – Clear.

7) Murkwater Witch – Combos with your clear and and counter cards like fighters guild as well as clear some early game cards

bigeyes-2306670 Protector of the Innocent – Blacksap Protector but a little more aggressive.

9) Thieves Guild Recruit – Card draw and getting to play the end game cards earlier can potentially force an early surrender.

10) Skaven Pyromancer – Combos with your reaver and can clear a whole lane.

11) Skeever Infestation – Possibly my favorite card in the new set. It’s mainly in there because its fun to use. But it has actually won me a few games through card draw and constant pressure in both lanes. If you get this card early it can spin out of control.

12) Earthbone Spinner – Silences anything you don’t want to see have it’s ability activated and combos with your clears as well.

13) Fell the Mighty – A mini Piercing Javelin.

14) Garnag, Dark Adherent – This card can completely screw over any ramp deck. You’ll only be missing out on your two Vigilant Giants and reavers (so use wisely). It can also prevent your opponent from a big play the following turn which can give you that extra turn you may have needed to finish them off (no pun intended).

15) Moonlight Werebat – Prophecy 4/2 with drain and a possible unstoppable rage proc is really nice. 4 cards in your opponents lane? No problem, 20 health right there if you unstoppable rage and attack.

16) Leaflurker – More clear.

17) Allena Benoch – Even more clear and possible combo with unstoppable rage.

18) Triumphant Jarl – Card draw if you’re able to stay a few life ahead of your opponent. Works really well if you don’t break any runes early and are able to maintain board control which you should be able to do.

19) Belligerent giant – Takes care of any support cards that are harassing you (token decks, reanimate, ramp, etc) and is insane with unstoppable rage. Enough said.

20) Unstoppable Rage – This card doesn’t really need an explanation as I’m sure you’ve already faced it but why not. Probably the best card in the new set and can win games by itself if used correctly. Has synergy with so many cards in the deck (lethals, breakthroughs, drains, etc).

21) Falinesti Reaver – Can clear a whole lane if you combo it with your pyromancer.

22) Vigilant Giant – card draw and and 8/8 with guard and breakthrough? Yes please! Also combos with unstoppable rage.

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