Legends:Practice/Moonlit Nuisance

Moonlit Nuisance

Moon Chaser

ClassWillpowerAgilityAgility Monk
Prophecies Prophecy3x Daring Cutpurse, 3x Whispering Claw Strike
AttributesWillpower 17Agility 17Agility 27Neutral 3Dual Attribute 3Dual Attribute 3
RarityCommon 24Rare 24Rare 7Epic 15Legendary 15Legendary 4


AttributesRarityMagicka Curve

Deck List
QuantityAttributesNameType (Subtype)MagickaPowerHealthRarityAbility
3NeutralLunar SwayAction13Epic EpicWax: Put a 3/3 Cathay-raht into your hand.
Wane: Put a 4/4 Dagi-raht with Guard into your hand.
3WillpowerRebel WardenCreature (Khajiit)1111Common CommonPilfer: Summon a 1/1 Recruit.
3AgilityDaring Cutpurse ProphecyCreature (Khajiit)2221Common CommonProphecy
Pilfer: +1/+1
3WillpowerSmash and GrabAction22Rare RareGive friendly creatures with Pilfer +2/+0 and Breakthrough this turn.
3AgilityBaandari BruiserCreature (Khajiit)3321Common CommonPilfer: +3/+0
3WillpowerMoon BishopCreature (Khajiit)1111Common CommonWax: +0/+4
Wane: You gain 4 health.
3AgilityMoonphase SuthayCreature (Khajiit)3221Common CommonWax: +1/+1 and Drain.
Wane: Draw a card.
3AgilitySuthay BootleggerCreature (Khajiit)2152Rare RareGuard
Summon: Another friendly creature ignores Guards this turn.
3WillpowerRajhini HighwaymanCreature (Khajiit)3221Common CommonPilfer: Draw a card.
1WillpowerRiverhold EscortCreature (Khajiit)3162Rare RareGuard
Pilfer: Move.
3AgilityMausoleum DelverCreature (Khajiit)4253Epic EpicCharge
Steal a card from your opponent’s discard pile to yours.
3WillpowerAgilityAgilityMaster of ThievesCreature (Khajiit)4353Epic EpicFriendly creatures with Pilfer may attack an extra time each turn.
1AgilityTenmar SwiftclawCreature (Khajiit)4223Epic EpicPilfer: +1/+1
May attack an extra time each turn.
1AgilityTorval CrookCreature (Khajiit)4143Epic EpicCharge
Pilfer: Gain 2 magicka this turn.
3AgilityCartel BruiserCreature (Khajiit)5441Common CommonPilfer: +2/+2
3WillpowerMonastic ChampionCreature (Khajiit)5653Epic EpicBreakthrough
Pilfer: Summon a 3/3 Cathay-raht.
1WillpowerBandit RingleaderCreature (Khajiit)6353Epic EpicSummon: Other friendly creatures in this lane gain “Pilfer: Draw a card” this turn.
3AgilityDevious BanditCreature (Khajiit)6334Legendary LegendarySummon: Deal 3 damage to your opponent and you gain 3 health.
Devious Bandit has the Pilfer abilities of all your creatures.
3AgilityWhispering Claw Strike ProphecyAction61Common CommonProphecy
Give an enemy creature -2/-2 and a friendly creature +2/+2.
1AgilityRazum-DarCreature (Khajiit)7434Legendary LegendaryCharge
Draw a copy of the first card your opponent draws each turn.

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