Legends:Experimental Scroll

experimental-scroll wiki
Experimental Scroll
LG-card-Experimental Scroll.png
Card Set LG-icon-Heroes of Skyrim.png Heroes of Skyrim
Availability Created
Magicka Cost LG-icon-Magicka.png4
Attribute Intelligence Intelligence
Rarity Legendary Legendary
Experimental Scroll is either Enlightenment, Flame Blast, or Flame Cloak. Don’t worry which one it is, just give it a try!

Experimental Scroll is a legendary Intelligence action card. It cannot be included in a deck, but is rather added to your hand by the effects of J’zargo and Falling Wizard.

Card Effects[edit]

One of the following three cards will be created at random:

Enlightenment Flame Blast Flame Cloak
LG-card-Enlightenment.png LG-card-Flame Blast.png LG-card-Flame Cloak.png
Give each friendly creature two random Keywords. Deal 2 damage to each enemy creature. Deal 5 damage to each player.


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Legends Decks