Legends:Playing Card

Playing Card
LG-card-playing cards blades 02.png
Card SetLG-icon-Isle of Madness.png Isle of Madness
Magicka CostLG-icon-Magicka.png2LG-icon-Magicka.png2LG-icon-Magicka.png9
AttributeNeutral Neutral
RarityRare Rare

Playing Card is a rare Neutral action card. It can be created by Madness Beckons and plays a major role in the New Sheoth Palace match of the Isle of Madness campaign.

When created or drawn, it shows a Playing Card with a number that corresponds to its magicka cost with the appearance of an Elder Scrolls themed playing card suit. When played, it will create a random creature with a magicka cost equal to this number. Decreasing the Playing Card’s cost (with cards like Therana or Thieves Guild Recruit) will not change the number or the cost of the creature that is created. The range of numbers that can be created are from 2 to 9. Even when not mentioned on the card, it is treated as an action and neutral card, which can be important for other cards like Lillandril Hexmage or Steam Constructor.


Symbols drawn on Playing card based on Tarot cards suits:

  • Swords are swords;
  • Drakes are coins (septims, or drakes are money of The Empire);
  • Soul gems are cups (both are vessels);
  • Diamonds are diamonds on common cards. The remaining Tarot suit are staves. Staves are often used as symbols of power, including ruler’s power, and Red Diamond is the symbol of Septim dynasty.


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