Devious Bandit

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Credits to SzotyMAG for the Images. <3

Name Devious Bandit
Rarity Legendary legendary-9036853
Type Creature
Attributes agility-3153603
Race Khajiit
Magicka Cost 6
Expansion set Moons of Elsweyr
Soul Summon 1200 crystal-3445722
Soul Trap 400 crystal-3445722
Text Summon: Deal 3 damage to your opponent and you gain 3 health. Devious Bandit has the Pilfer abilities of all your creatures.
Keywords Pilfer
BBCode [card]Devious Bandit[/card]
Played in 74/13759 of Eligible decks (1 %)
Constructed Rating: 23 Votes 3.6/5
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Arena Rating: 9 Votes 2.5/5

Latest appearances in Decks: (Last 2 weeks)

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Provi 6 months ago
This is essentially Thievery + a 3/3 body, with the Pilfer benefits that get triggered the turn she’s played. Gonna be a staple in whatever Pilfer deck people come up with.

1 Reply
nebranger 6 months ago
She’s a lot more than just that.

Consider the possibility of playing her in Empire with Elsweyr Lookout and Quin’rawl Burglar.

Play those two first, then play Devious Bandit. She automatically pilfers and becomes either a…

  • 10/10 if multiplication happens first and three of the same card don’t add together,
  • 14/14 if addition happens first and three of the same card don’t add together,
  • 80/80 if multiplication happens first and three of the same card add together, or
  • 120/120 if addition happens first and three of the same card add together.


This card is nuts.

Provi 6 months ago
nebranger wrote:
She’s a lot more than just that.

Consider the possibility of playing her in Empire with Elsweyr Lookout and Quin’rawl Burglar.

Play those two first, then play Devious Bandit. She automatically pilfers and becomes either a…

  • 10/10 if multiplication happens first and three of the same card don’t add together,
  • 14/14 if addition happens first and three of the same card don’t add together,
  • 80/80 if multiplication happens first and three of the same card add together, or
  • 120/120 if addition happens first and three of the same card add together.


This card is nuts.

I don’t really see where yours disagrees from mine. All you said are “the Pilfer benefits” in my comment.

And, “Play those two first, then play…” is why Pilfer generally sucks as a mechanic. There’s a reason why Quin’rawl Burglar sees basically no play in high ladder.

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