Glenumbra Sorceress

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Credits to SzotyMAG for the Images. <3

Name Glenumbra Sorceress
Rarity Rare rare-9693744
Type Creature
Attributes intelligence-6488438
Race Breton
Magicka Cost 5
Attack attack-1929655
Health health-2484044
Expansion set Core Set
Soul Summon 100 crystal-2898531
Soul Trap 20 crystal-2898531
Text Ward
Keywords Ward
BBCode [card]Glenumbra Sorceress[/card]
Played in 110/14255 of Eligible decks (1 %)
Constructed Rating: 20 Votes 1/5
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Arena Rating: 16 Votes 1.4/5

Latest appearances in Decks: (Last 2 weeks)


Alex 2 years ago
Stupid card.
5 magicka for 5/1 creature with 1 keyword? Someone definitely didn’t do his math right.

rework on this card or delete it. it just makes the game looks stupid

A 5 cost 5-power creature with Ward wouldn’t be bad with the new Dagoth 5-power gimmick… if it didn’t die to a 0 cost action.

Medzomorak 1 year ago
Just wtf.

An absolute cool concept made into an overpriced piece of shit. Really. What the devs are on?

armamarma is 100% right, stop making this game look stupid.

Azelios 3 months ago
I couldn’t agree more. Look at Hand of Dagoth. Then look at Prankster Mage. Then look at this. Makes you weep? Me too. Damn, even Imbued Breton puts it to shame. Some buff please?

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