Twilight Werebat

twilight-werebat card
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Credits to SzotyMAG for the Images. <3

Name Twilight Werebat
Rarity Epic epic-4741206
Type Creature
Attributes agility-2804522
Race Wood Elf
Magicka Cost 4
Attack attack-5102023
Health health-8817968
Expansion set Core Set
Soul Summon 400 crystal-1427404
Soul Trap 100 crystal-1427404
Text Prophecy
Keywords Prophecy
BBCode [card]Twilight Werebat[/card]
Played in 21/13616 of Eligible decks (0 %)
Level 26 reward evolution:

twilightwerebat-8958275 moonlightwerebat-5259325

Constructed Rating: 4 Votes 1.8/5
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Arena Rating: 4 Votes 1.8/5

Latest appearances in Decks: (Last 2 weeks)

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