Deck List

deck-list-2071 Deck

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[UPDATED] Vinther’s New Generation Action Assassin

3 [card]Curse[/card]
3 [card]Lesser Ward[/card]
3 [card]Firebolt[/card]
3 [card]Shadow Shift[/card]
1 [card]Ungolim the Listener[/card]
3 [card]Crystal Tower Crafter[/card]
3 [card]Ice Spike[/card]
3 [card]Shrieking Harpy[/card]
3 [card]Wardcrafter[/card]
2 [card]Crushing Blow[/card]
3 [card]Daggerfall Mage[/card]
3 [card]Goblin Skulk[/card]
3 [card]Swindler’s Market[/card]
3 [card]Fire Storm[/card]
3 [card]Lightning Bolt[/card]
1 [card]Queen Barenziah[/card]
2 [card]Lillandril Hexmage[/card]
3 [card]Ice Storm[/card]
2 [card]Smuggler’s Haul[/card]
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6 7 12 11 7 2 5 0

Prophecy 9
Ward 9
Pilfer 3
Drain 1
Guard 1
Regenerate 0
Rally 0
Treasure Hunt 0
Wane 0
Wax 0
Slay 0
Lethal 0
Charge 0
Breakthrough 0
Betray 0
Exalt 0
Invade 0
Assemble 0
Last Gasp 0
Plot 0
To The Elder Scrolls: Legends: Export to The Elder Scrolls: Legends To BBCode: Export BB Code File BB Code:
By: Vinther
View other Decks by Vinther
Posted: 2 years ago
Updated: 2 years ago
Outdated (Madhouse patch)
Crafting Cost: 10900crystal-1106115
Missing Soul Gems: Add your collection to see the soul gems you are missing.


UPDATE: Changed some cards, this deck now plays as full control until you have necessary cards in hand. You have a good cycle, good removal and Queen B to provide guard on cards that can be warded too and provide lifedrain for more survival.

This is a follow-up deck to the good ol’

Swindler’s Market works strong, combined with 0-cost cards from Smuggler’s Haul. It is support card, so it is harder to remove and deal with. Ideal would be to play Smuggler’s Haul or two, then put two of these badboys on the table and combo like crazy. And unlike hexmage, this works with ALL 0 cost cards!

The key to this deck is to play control, cycle and try to fish as many 0 cost cards as you can using the goblin skulk(s) alive and cycle to get smuggler’s haul and swindler’s market.

Your ideal combo order:
Hexmage>Smuggler’s Haul>Swindler’s Market 2x+>Unleash all 0 cost cards/actions.

Fire Storm over Ice Storm because the super-aggro face-race decks usually play their shit on one lane anyway and 2 damage is usually more than enough to kill their 4/1 and 9/1 and other such typical threats.
Also, you can play DFM on the same lane before using Fire Storm.

CTC combined with actions provides enough board presence to keep the table clean to lay down your Hexmages.

DFM is for control and cycle, as this is not a face-race deck, more of a mid-range combo.

Wardcrafter to keep Skulk/Hexmage alive.

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Vinther 2 years ago
NB! For those who bother to read comments: This deck is still in beta stage, some tweaking is preferred, maybe even required, but we get there wink-8752749 Once I have more time to play to climb higher in Legend, I will tweak it for the current Legend meta, after the patch has settled in a bit more.

Bjornson 2 years ago
Okay, srsly, I”m not insulting the person who made this but this deck doesn’t deserve +10, it honestly doesn’t deserve +2. Its SOOOOOOOO retarded and easy to countered. Srsly I made this deck, and I’ve lost probably 20 matches in a row with it. And here’s why, Its stupidly dependent on getting a literal metric fuck-ton of cards to win. You have to get and play, 2-3 supports, and then play 6 mana fetching cards, AND have hexmages out, another 5 mana each. You need about 5-6 turns just to get online as a deck, and thats IF, HUUUUUGE IF, you even get those cards in the right order, you’re not countered by the most basic control deck, and those cards aren’t beat to fuck and back.

This deck does not, listen to me, it DOES NOT produce any result other than face-walling soul crushing failure.

IF you get everything right in the combo listed above are you going to rape? YES.

ARE you going to get everything for the needed rape combo? NO, absolutely not, no no no no no. So much no.
Its an interesting idea, by someone who clearly can make working decks. But this one just falls apart in early game control so badly its painful.

Vinther 2 years ago
I understand your frustration and yes, early game is somewhat lacking because the main goal in early stage is to control the board, pilfer with skulk and just use CTC/offensive actions as your main damage. For skulk you’d use shadow shift and such to make sure to pilfer as many 0 cost as you can.
You dont always need perfect setup, you can combo with 1 support or you can combo with 0 support and just use hexmage/ctc.

I am curious on how did you play this deck, because it worked well for me. Actually i havent had such a blast for a while. I could just toy around at early stages and set stuff up even vs aggro decks and just burn them on turn 7 from 30 health tongue-9062832

Bjornson wrote:
Okay, srsly, I”m not insulting the person who made this but this deck doesn’t deserve +10, it honestly doesn’t deserve +2. Its SOOOOOOOO retarded and easy to countered. Srsly I made this deck, and I’ve lost probably 20 matches in a row with it. And here’s why, Its stupidly dependent on getting a literal metric fuck-ton of cards to win. You have to get and play, 2-3 supports, and then play 6 mana fetching cards, AND have hexmages out, another 5 mana each. You need about 5-6 turns just to get online as a deck, and thats IF, HUUUUUGE IF, you even get those cards in the right order, you’re not countered by the most basic control deck, and those cards aren’t beat to fuck and back.

This deck does not, listen to me, it DOES NOT produce any result other than face-walling soul crushing failure.

IF you get everything right in the combo listed above are you going to rape? YES.

ARE you going to get everything for the needed rape combo? NO, absolutely not, no no no no no. So much no.
Its an interesting idea, by someone who clearly can make working decks. But this one just falls apart in early game control so badly its painful.

Djebel 2 years ago
I like your list, works well and its obvious the assassin arquetype has got nice synergies with this new card. I liked your last list and this one it’s pretty solid too ¡Nice job man!

Now the most important here: Do you got the BPIE

Best Profile Image Ever


¡See you in game!

1 Reply
Bjornson 2 years ago
You think someone who just rips off someone else’s image and uses it in proxy of them-self is the best profile image evur? dur hur!

C’mon guy, judge the decks, not the fake pair of fake tits.

Djebel 2 years ago
C’mon guy i was just joking so don’t be that serious, that is just a community for a tcg players i mean, ofc i will comment the decks, and particulary vinther creates 2 of the most powerfull assassins decks in a row, so i don’t want to become this in an absurd argue for a innocent joke, so if do you feel ofense in any sense (or vinther) sorry for my part

Vinther 2 years ago
I like tits as much as I like assassin decks. What can I do?

Calm your panties, Bjornson.

Shadowrom 2 years ago
i have been trying quite hard to make it work but i dont see how.
the deck is combo deck which require number of piece to work which you often dont have.
the problem is the card draw and how you stay alive around 8-10 to play your SM

if you have any suggestion smile-6731835

edit: i dont own DFM, seem a pretty must have in the deck ?

Vinther 2 years ago
Deck has been updated, to make it play as full control. So far it works perfectly fine for me. The cycle is so good, I end up getting what I need rather fast and burn people around round 7-8.

DFM are crucial for control and cycle, so that could be the problem, Shadowrom Rom.

thx for the feedback, really appreciated your efforts smile-6731835

Ankoroth 2 years ago
Great updates. Thanks Vinther.

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