Deck List

deck-list-919 Deck
1 Ungolim the Listener
3 Fighters Guild Recruit
3 Murkwater Witch
3 Thieves Guild Recruit
3 Blacksap Protector
3 Crushing Blow
3 Hive Defender
3 Moonlight Werebat
3 Murkwater Shaman
3 Territorial Viper
1 Ahnassi
3 Leaflurker
3 Loyal Housecarl
2 Pahmar-raht Renegade
3 Piercing Javelin
1 Goldbrand
1 Auroran Sentry
2 Dawn’s Wrath
1 Tazkad the Packmaster
3 Mantikora
1 Miraak, Dragonborn
1 Odahviing

Control Monk (80% WR)

1 [card]Ungolim the Listener[/card]
3 [card]Fighters Guild Recruit[/card]
3 [card]Murkwater Witch[/card]
3 [card]Thieves Guild Recruit[/card]
3 [card]Blacksap Protector[/card]
3 [card]Crushing Blow[/card]
3 [card]Hive Defender[/card]
3 [card]Moonlight Werebat[/card]
3 [card]Murkwater Shaman[/card]
3 [card]Territorial Viper[/card]
1 [card]Ahnassi[/card]
3 [card]Leaflurker[/card]
3 [card]Loyal Housecarl[/card]
2 [card]Pahmar-raht Renegade[/card]
3 [card]Piercing Javelin[/card]
1 [card]Goldbrand[/card]
1 [card]Auroran Sentry[/card]
2 [card]Dawn’s Wrath[/card]
1 [card]Tazkad the Packmaster[/card]
3 [card]Mantikora[/card]
1 [card]Miraak, Dragonborn[/card]
1 [card]Odahviing[/card]
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agility willpower
Monk deck
50 cards
1 Ungolim the Listener 1

Ungolim the Listener

2 Fighters Guild Recruit 3

Fighters Guild Recruit

2 Murkwater Witch 3

Murkwater Witch

2 Thieves Guild Recruit 3

Thieves Guild Recruit

3 Blacksap Protector 3

Blacksap Protector

3 Crushing Blow 3

Crushing Blow

4 Hive Defender 3

Hive Defender

4 Moonlight Werebat 3

Moonlight Werebat

4 Murkwater Shaman 3

Murkwater Shaman

4 Territorial Viper 3

Territorial Viper

5 Ahnassi 1


5 Leaflurker 3


5 Loyal Housecarl 3

Loyal Housecarl

5 Pahmar-raht Renegade 2

Pahmar-raht Renegade

5 Piercing Javelin 3

Piercing Javelin

7 Goldbrand 1


8 Auroran Sentry 1

Auroran Sentry

8 Dawn’s Wrath 2

Dawn's Wrath

8 Tazkad the Packmaster 1

Tazkad the Packmaster

10 Mantikora 3


11 Miraak, Dragonborn 1

Miraak, Dragonborn

12 Odahviing 1


0 1 9 6 12 12 0 10

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By: Roger Babin
View other Decks by Roger Babin
Posted: 3 days ago
Crafting Cost: 19400crystal
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I made Legend Rank last season with relative ease piloting a combination of Midrange Spellsword and Control Mage. Upon making Legend, I also ran Ramp Scout with reasonable success.

This Season:
Nothing worked for me. All of the above decks seem to operate at an endless 50/50 Win Rate. I was locked at Rank 5 after a good hundred matches. I switch to the Sorceror and Control Archer decks that were proven Legend Successes by other players and once again couldn’t pass rank 5 ever after dozens of attempts.

The Answer:
I built a custom deck, tweaked it, and have since found a LOT of success so far. This deck could fizzle out before Legend but I wanted to post it because Control Monk has very little support among the hot decks and this take on it differs quite a bit.


Agility Staples:
– Ungolim
– Fighters Guild Recruit
– Murkwater Witch
– Thieves Guild Recruit
– Blacksap Protector
– Moonlight Wearbat
– Tazkad
All of these are VERY common cards that fit the foundations of most Agility decks. I don’t feel they need an explanation beyond the fact that they provide early game board presence and help control the board.

Willpower/Neutral/Mixed Control Staples:
– Hive Defender
– Piercing Javelin
– Mantikora
– Miraak
– Ahnassi
– Odahviing
All of these are extremely common Willpower staples for a control deck. Admittedly Miraak is the least vital of the staple control cards in this deck so if you don’t have one then I wouldn’t be concerned about the decks performance.

Individual Card Choices:

Crushing Blow – Targeted removal is extremely important and so I feel this is a must in Monk Control. There are a ton of low health creatures that you don’t want to Leaflurker or want to see live long enough for your opponent to act.

Murkwater Shaman – This card was initially popular in Agility and fell out of popularity. I consider it to be MASSIVELY underrated by the player base. This card is devastating. In actual play it either attracts immediate removal (even prime removal at times) or it lives long enough to generate tremendous value. The curses created by this allow for favorable trades where your creature survives, disables common 1 power pests, enables Leaflurker and commonly acts as removal against aggro decks.

Territorial Viper – Pure removal. I was concerned it might be overkill or just niche given the shadow lane but I feel this card has proven itself in terms of buying the time necessary to reach the late game.

Loyal Housecarl – Guard and Prophecy. Perfect for a Control deck to last into the late game. Use his ability to buff lesser creatures for favorable trades.

Pahmar-raht Renegade – This card is AMAZING. I’m genuinely surprised it doesn’t see more play. At 6 toughness it survives trades with all the common threats being played. It generates card draw even when it dies on the attack and it survives Lightning Bolt. If left alone this card will swing the game in your favor. If the enemy uses primo removal on it then that’s one less primo removal option for your many late game threats. I only run 2 because I only own 2. I’m strongly considering a 3rd in the future.

Goldbrand – More value and spot removal. Admittedly the first use of this can go to waste given the amount of removal in this deck. The next two really come in handy though.

Auroran Sentry – I only own 1 of these but so far I’ve been impressed. Drain is VERY useful for long term survival and so that puts a lot of pressure on Werebats. Sentry’s biggest downside is that he has 5 power in the late game where many creatures played have 6 toughness. Monk helps counter this drawback through it’s many curses and 1 damage minions so I find Sentry viable. If I owned more I’d probably test another. I’ve tested Quin’rawl Burglar as another drain outlet but that card is too weak to low cost removal and you really can’t use it to trade with creatures effectively which is what you want to do in a control deck.

Dawn’s Wrath – Excellent in Monk Control. Mid-Late game Murkwater Shamans love to draw minions into it’s lane. Strong Guard cards and Phmar-raht Renegade will often have the opponent abandon a lane and focus elsewhere. Both of these situations are amazing for Dawn’s Wrath. That being said I’m not convinced this deck needs 2 copies, 1 copy of this and Goldbrand both feel like potential flex spots.

Deck Strengths:
– Heavy early to midgame curve makes it strong against aggressive decks
– TONS of prophecy makes it costly to rush this deck.
– Great card draw for continued pressure. This decks rarely finds itself playing off the top.
– Plenty of must kill midrange threats that empty removal for your late game.

Deck Weaknesses:
– No support destruction. If Spellsword token comes out strong and drops Divine Fervor then you’ll be a lot of trouble. A lot of this decks strengths come from getting power/toughness edge through -1/-1 effects or just even trades. I strong token start will overwhelm this deck unless you get a very lucky draw or hit on a good number of prophecies.

– Control Mage will beat this deck in the long game. This deck has a ton of removal but it just can’t hold up against Control Mage’s that run Brilliant Experiment and make it to the late game. It’ll run well against Scout Ramp but Control Mage is definitely a favored matchup against Control Monk,

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