Table of Contents
Token Mage
1 Descendant of Alkosh
3 Firebolt
2 Scouting Patrol
3 Crystal Tower Crafter
3 Dunmer Nightblade
3 Fifth Legion Trainer
3 Kvatch Soldier
3 Wardcrafter
3 Crushing Blow
3 Eastmarch Crusader
3 Morthal Executioner
1 Pit Lion
3 Slaughterfish Spawning
3 Divine Fervor
2 Hive Defender
2 Imperial Reinforcements
3 Lightning Bolt
1 Haafingar Marauder
3 Piercing Javelin
Token Mage
1 [card]Descendant of Alkosh[/card]
3 [card]Firebolt[/card]
2 [card]Scouting Patrol[/card]
3 [card]Crystal Tower Crafter[/card]
3 [card]Dunmer Nightblade[/card]
3 [card]Fifth Legion Trainer[/card]
3 [card]Kvatch Soldier[/card]
3 [card]Wardcrafter[/card]
3 [card]Crushing Blow[/card]
3 [card]Eastmarch Crusader[/card]
3 [card]Morthal Executioner[/card]
1 [card]Pit Lion[/card]
3 [card]Slaughterfish Spawning[/card]
3 [card]Divine Fervor[/card]
2 [card]Hive Defender[/card]
2 [card]Imperial Reinforcements[/card]
3 [card]Lightning Bolt[/card]
1 [card]Haafingar Marauder[/card]
3 [card]Piercing Javelin[/card]
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Mage deck
0 | 8 | 15 | 13 | 10 | 4 | 0 | 0 |

Mage is most notorious for playing control with they strong late game package found in willpower. This deck flips this idea and runs similar to a Spellsword token deck but more aggressive. It also has the added benefit of some reach with intelligence & neutral burn spells.
Generally speaking you want to start with either scouting patrol or Descendant of Alkosh or both with the potion. After this it becomes a “race” to smash your opponents face in as quickly as possible as you have no real recovery from board clears or healing. While it may seem dangerous to play your Morthal Executioner before smashing a rune it becomes a necessary evil if you are going to maximize the damage he can provide. If things work according to plan you should be able to kill your opponent around turn 7-8 or earlier. And of course divine fervor is here to give your puny tokens some added punch.
Card Choices:
Descendant of Alkosh: Really just an annoying one drop that can force some removal designed for a better minion later. If left unchecked it can turn in to a royal pain.
Haafinger Marauder/ Hive Defender: I’m still on the fence about using one Haafinger Marauder instead of 3 Hive Defenders. I may switch back to 3 Hive Defenders as Marauder seems like he is a “win more card” than a solid play.
Slaughter Fish Spawning: Works well with Crystal Tower Crafter and like Descendant of Alkosh is annoying….like this deck.
Good luck!
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