Table of Contents
Legend #2 Deck – SkullCollector’s Token Spellsword
3 Imprison
3 Scouting Patrol
3 Bruma Profiteer
3 Fifth Legion Trainer
3 Siege Catapult
3 Pack Wolf
3 Pit Lion
3 Resolute Ally
2 Black Marsh Warden
3 Divine Fervor
2 Imperial Reinforcements
3 Midnight Sweep
3 Northpoint Captain
2 War Cry
2 Disciple of Namira
3 Loyal Housecarl
1 General Tullius
2 Golden Saint
Legend #2 Deck – SkullCollector’s Token Spellsword
3 [card]Imprison[/card]
3 [card]Scouting Patrol[/card]
3 [card]Bruma Profiteer[/card]
3 [card]Fifth Legion Trainer[/card]
3 [card]Siege Catapult[/card]
3 [card]Pack Wolf[/card]
3 [card]Pit Lion[/card]
3 [card]Resolute Ally[/card]
2 [card]Black Marsh Warden[/card]
3 [card]Divine Fervor[/card]
2 [card]Imperial Reinforcements[/card]
3 [card]Midnight Sweep[/card]
3 [card]Northpoint Captain[/card]
2 [card]War Cry[/card]
2 [card]Disciple of Namira[/card]
3 [card]Loyal Housecarl[/card]
1 [card]General Tullius[/card]
2 [card]Golden Saint[/card]
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Spellsword deck
0 | 9 | 9 | 9 | 15 | 5 | 3 | 0 |
This decks gain great advantage of tokens and some great early value cards like catapult or Lion Pit.
Divine Fervor give’s you a lot of +1/+1 and is the core card of the deck, you must have at least 2 of them to play it at high level.
Your only draw engine is namiria, so use it wisely if you need cards to close the game.
Don’t be afraid to use Warcry as removal spell with your tokens, mostly, you won’t need it to finish the game, but of course, its a great finisher too.
Playing against deck with mass removal is really hard, so be careful when you play against Yellow or Blue control decks.
Against any other deck, doesn’t matter if its aggro, midrange or control, you will likely have advange.
Good luck and i wish you enjoy this deck. Have fun !
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Edit: Ok, you have to use the image’s url in your [ img ] tags, not the imgur page, I will try to improve this later.
So for your image use:
The deck have 3 cards that make a token in the same lane (Norhwind Captain, Tulius and Black Marsh Warden).
You can play Imperial reinforcement to full the catapult lane, who is a very strong play for the imperial reinforcement when you dont still pull at least 1 divine fervor.
You can give him +2/+2 and guard with Loyal Housecarl, and even if its cost 5 mana, you can pull it from prophecy.
If you still think that catapult will not work, you can obviously replace it, but i highly reccomend use a 2-mana creature. Fhaerum Defender or the 2/2 ward card (Don’t actually remember the name of that card xD) are ok options. Finally, you can actually play Barded Guar, since give the catapult guard at 3 mana and summoning a 3/3 its a really strong play, plus he have lot of versality giving guard to enemy creatures destroying his cover. I don’t include it, since i feel i have to reduce 1 copy of some 4-cost mana cards to actually fit it in the deck, and as this is a midrange deck, i would likely have strong play on turns 4-5.
I have noticed that you have reached legend several times and seem like a helpful guy, sharing your decks and what-not. Is there any chance you could stream and/or record some of your laddering? I think I could learn alot. Thanks
I try to mulligan Divine Fervor, Draugr, catapult, Lion pit, wolf pack and any 2-drops
And what about mundus stone? too slow and not yellow?
I dont like bruma armorer on tokens list, is just a 2/2 for 3 mana, and give +2 hp to a token don’t make much sense for me. So i don’t think that any of the cards of the decks will underperformance in comparission to bruma armorer.
And both aren’t yellow, thats important too
I dont like bruma armorer on tokens list, is just a 2/2 for 3 mana, and give +2 hp to a token don’t make much sense for me. So i don’t think that any of the cards of the decks will underperformance in comparission to bruma armorer.
And both aren’t yellow, thats important too
im trying mundus a little atm and feel like it is really strong.
And the 2hp for tokens from the armorer actually helps against a lot of boardclear stuff, im kinda liking it. But im not sure.. (i’m not running catapult and housecarl)
Any chance of replacing choices? Don’t have General Tullius and BLACK MARSH WARDEN.