Legends:Karthspire Scout

Karthspire Scout
Creature (Orc)
LG-card-Karthspire Scout.png
Deck code IDjk
Card SetLG-icon-Promotional.png FrostSpark Collection
Magicka CostLG-icon-Magicka.png1
AttributeEndurance Endurance
PowerPower 1HealthHealth 1
RarityRare Rare
Last Gasp: Draw a card and increase its cost by 1.

Karthspire Scout is a rare Endurance creature card. It is available as part of the FrostSpark Collection.


When summoned:

“I’ll lead the way!”

When attacking:

“I live for this!”


  • This card’s last gasp ability applies the Dark Tidings card effect.
  • The name of the card is derived from Karthspire, a mountain in the Reach. Dushnikh Yal, an Orc stronghold, lays southwest of the mountain.

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