Legends:Deshaan Avenger

Deshaan Avenger
Creature (Dark Elf)
LG-card-Deshaan Avenger.png
Deck code ID es
Card Set LG-icon-Core Set.png Core Set
Magicka Cost LG-icon-Magicka.png4
Attribute Agility Agility
Power Power 3 Health Health 3
Rarity Rare Rare
Last Gasp: Summon a 3/3 Deshaan Sneak.

Deshaan Avenger is a rare Agility creature card. It is available as part of the Core Set.


In addition to the card’s availability in the Core Set, two copies are included in the Dunmer Avengers deck.


When summoned:

“I do love a good fight.”

“Entertain me.”

When effect triggers:

“You haven’t seen the last of me.”

“I’ll return. Count on it.”


  • This card was previously part of the training mechanic where it could be upgraded from Deshaan Sneak at level 17.
  • The card is named for the Morrowind region of Deshaan.
  • This card shares its attack audio with Deshaan Sneak. The attack audio was changed upon the client change and are now only grunts. The old one can be heard here:
    When attacking:

    “Come dance with death!”

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Legends Decks