Mobilize a defense for the Daggerfall Covenant.
EMERIC: Empire troops on the horizon! We don’t have much to work with; can you find a way to take them out? |
The game opens with the following text:
- “Win this turn.”
You start with 1 health, and Emeric’s Warlord and a Recruit in the Field Lane. In your hand, you have two Improvised Weapon, Salvage, Sparksmith, Telekinesis, and Staff of Ice.
Empire Toady starts with 18 health, and a Colovian Trooper in the Field Lane.
- Play Sparksmith in the Field Lane.
- Play both Improvised Weapons on Recruit.
- Attack the Colovian Trooper with Recruit.
- Play Staff of Ice in the Shadow Lane, selecting the Recruit in the Field Lane as the target.
- Play Salvage, selecting Improvised Weapon.
- Play both Improvised Weapons on Recruit.
- Play Telekinesis on Emeric’s Warlord.
- Attack your opponent with Emeric’s Warlord.