Legends:Pact Oathman

Pact Oathman
Creature (Nord)
LG-card-Pact Oathman.png
Deck code IDtM
Card SetLG-icon-Alliance War.png Alliance War
Magicka CostLG-icon-Magicka.png2
AttributeStrength Strength
PowerPower 1HealthHealth 3
RarityCommon Common
Summon: If you have a…
Agility card in play, +2/+0.
Endurance card in play, +2/+0.
Endurance card in play, Battle an enemy creature.

Pact Oathman is a common Strength creature card. It is available as part of the Alliance War expansion.


When summoned:

“Long live the Skald-King!”

When attacking:

“This battle’s as good as won!”


  • This card’s summon ability applies the Mounted Training card effect.

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