Legends:Rihad Horseman

Rihad Horseman
Creature (Redguard)
LG-card-Rihad Horseman.png
Deck code IDnj
Card SetLG-icon-Core Set.png Core Set
Magicka CostLG-icon-Magicka.png2
AttributeStrength Strength
PowerPower 2HealthHealth 2
RarityCommon Common
+3/+0 and Breakthrough while equipped with an item.

Rihad Horseman is a common Strength creature card. It is available as part of the Core Set.


When summoned:

“I ride like the wind.”

“Time to mount up.”

When attacking:



“Blood and faith!”


  • This card was previously part of the training mechanic where it could be upgraded from {Rihad Nomad at level 11.
  • This card’s equip ability applies the Armed to the Teeth card effect.
  • The card is named for the Hammerfell city of Rihad.

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