Legends:Circus of Cheerful Slaughter

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Attack the Grummite in a fit of madness.
Episode: The Descent
Opponent Name: Grummite Savage
Opponent Class: Agility Agility
Starting Health: 30
Story Characters: Grummite, Luzrah Gro-Shar Talym Rend
Previous Quest: Darkened Grove
Next Quest: Circus of Cheerful Slaughter
Reward: Playsets of: Bedeviling Scamp, Manic Grummite/Demented Grummite

The Descent: Circus of Cheerful Slaughter[edit]

Circus of Cheerful Slaughter sees Talym Rend visit the area of the same name. He attacks a Grummite in a fit of madness.


Before the match:

Talym: “Why am I alive, anyway? I suppose it’s easier than being dead, seeing as I’m already doing it.”
Grummite: “You could try the alternative.”
Talym: “No, I don’t think so. Not today. Not today Sheogorath!”

After beating your opponent:

Grummite Savage: “(Weakly sings the song from the Notehollow mission)”
Talym: “Luzrah?! Luzrah, are you okay?!”

After the Match:

Luzrah Gro-Shar: “I’ll be all right. I… saw you down by the river, fighting a crab, attacking a tree. I approached, and it was like you didn’t recognize me at all. What happened to you?”
Talym: “I… didn’t mean to hurt you I… my mind is so jumbled. I can’t keep anything straight. Maybe I don’t want to.”
Luzrah Gro-Shar: “Well if you do, I think I know a way to help.”

Game Settings[edit]

Lane: Madness/Shadow

Opponent Decklist[edit]

Quantity Attributes Name Type (Subtype) Magicka Power Health Rarity Ability
2 Agility Murkwater Goblin Creature (Goblin) 0 0 1 1Common Common Murkwater Goblin has +2/+0 on your turn.
1 Agility Deepwood Trapper Creature (Dark Elf) 1 1 3 3Epic Epic Guard
Shackle creatures damaged by Deepwood Trapper.
2 Agility Crazed Hunger Creature (Daedra) 2 0 2 1Common Common Charge
Crazed Hunger has +2/+0 on your turn.
2 Agility Guild Recruit Creature (Argonian) 2 1 2 1Common Common Lethal
2 Neutral Mudcrab Anklesnapper Creature (Mudcrab) 2 3 2 1Common Common Summon: Deal 1 damage to your opponent.
2 Agility Murkwater Witch Creature (Goblin) 2 1 1 2Rare Rare Guard
Summon: Give a creature -1/-1.
1 Agility Thieves Guild Recruit Creature (Argonian) 2 1 2 1Common Common Summon: Draw a card. If it costs 7 or more, reduce its cost by 1.
1 Agility Giant Bat Creature (Beast) 3 2 2 1Common Common Charge, Drain
1 Agility Goblin Skulk Creature (Goblin) 3 2 3 2Rare Rare Pilfer: Draw a random 0-cost card from your deck.
1 Agility Greenheart Knight Creature (Wood Elf) 3 1 5 1Common Common Charge
2 Agility Murkwater Butcher Creature (Goblin) 3 3 2 1Common Common If Murkwater Butcher is in your hand during your first turn, reduce his cost to 1.
1 Agility Varanis Courier Creature (Dark Elf) 3 1 3 1Common Common Guard
Last Gasp: Draw a card.
1 Agility Chaurus Creature (Chaurus) 4 4 4 1Common Common
1 Agility Cliff Strider Creature (Reptile) 4 3 4 3Epic Epic Charge
Can’t attack your opponent. At the end of your turn, if there are no enemy creatures in this lane, move Cliff Strider.
1 Agility Moonlight Werebat Prophecy Creature (Beast) 4 4 2 3Epic Epic Prophecy, Drain
1 Neutral Slaughterfish Spawning Action 4 2Rare Rare Summon a Slaughterfish in each lane.
1 Neutral Snapping Dreugh Creature (Dreugh) 4 3 3 2Rare Rare
2 Agility Torval Crook Creature (Khajiit) 4 1 4 3Epic Epic Charge
Pilfer: Gain 2 magicka this turn.
1 Agility Fleeting Apparition Action 5 3Epic Epic Betray
Summon a random creature from your deck that costs 3 or less to a random lane. Unsummon it at the end of your turn.
1 Agility Giant Snake Creature (Reptile) 5 3 3 3Epic Epic Summon: Shackle all enemy creatures in this lane.
1 Agility Snowy Sabre Cat Creature (Beast) 5 3 7 3Epic Epic May attack an extra time each turn.
1 Agility Clockwork Scorpion Creature (Fabricant) 6 3 7 1Common Common Drain, Lethal
2 Neutral Manic Grummite/Demented Grummite Creature (Grummite) 6 5 5 1Common Common Manic Grummite and Demented Grummite
1 Neutral Blueclaw Matron Creature (Dreugh) 7 3 8 1Common Common
Quantity Attributes Name Type (Subtype) Magicka Power Health Rarity Ability
2 Strength Nord Firebrand Creature (Nord) 0 1 1 1Common Common Charge
3 Strength Afflicted Alit Creature (Reptile) 2 3 1 2Rare Rare Summon: Deal 2 damage to each player.
1 Agility Fighters Guild Recruit Prophecy Creature (Argonian) 2 1 2 1Common Common Prophecy, Guard, Lethal
3 Neutral Mudcrab Anklesnapper Creature (Mudcrab) 2 3 2 1Common Common Summon: Deal 1 damage to your opponent.
2 Agility Murkwater Witch Creature (Goblin) 2 1 1 2Rare Rare Guard
Summon: Give a creature -1/-1.
2 Agility Thieves Guild Recruit Creature (Argonian) 2 1 2 1Common Common Summon: Draw a card. If it costs 7 or more, reduce its cost by 1.
2 Strength Battlerage Orc Creature (Orc) 3 2 3 1Common Common Charge
1 Strength Cast Out Prophecy Action 3 2Rare Rare Prophecy
Unsummon a creature.
2 Agility Giant Bat Creature (Beast) 3 2 2 1Common Common Charge, Drain
2 Agility Goblin Skulk Creature (Goblin) 3 2 3 2Rare Rare Pilfer: Draw a random 0-cost card from your deck.
3 Agility Torval Crook Creature (Khajiit) 4 1 4 3Epic Epic Charge
Pilfer: Gain 2 magicka this turn.
1 Agility Cliff Racer Creature (Reptile) 5 4 4 2Rare Rare Charge
2 Agility Giant Snake Creature (Reptile) 5 3 3 3Epic Epic Summon: Shackle all enemy creatures in this lane.
1 Strength Cliff Hunter Prophecy Creature (Reptile) 6 3 3 1Common Common Prophecy
Summon: Battle
an enemy creature.
2 Neutral Manic Grummite/Demented Grummite Creature (Grummite) 6 5 5 1Common Common Manic Grummite and Demented Grummite
1 Neutral Dark Harvester Prophecy Creature (Dreugh) 7 2 4 1Common Common Prophecy, Guard
Summon: Gain 4 health.

Prev: Darkened Grove Up: Isle of Madness Next: The Trance
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